Cheated & annoyed!

Big Surf Island.      Woo hoo.     

Now 1 day on & it's complete. (Maybe not so big after all)

I'm only 9 challenges away from completing everything & getting the P12 diamond. Question is, can i be bothered. With all the newbies who don't seem to have a clue what the online challenges are about, it's getting increasingly more annoying.

It seems that the hardest part of the game (for me, anyway) is finding another 7 players who actually know what they're doing. Unfortunately i now find myself thinking WAS IT ALL WORTH IT?

No bike races either? Surely a massive oversight on their part? Or maybe we just expect too much these days. Or do we?


ZombieTron's picture

I can't help but think.. what do you expect? If you sit down for a day and really focus on finishing a game, most games can be completed in a day. So, when you think of the Island as costing a quarter of a new game, you can't really expect it to have more gameplay then a full title.

There are 15 Events to find and complete, 8 cars to unlock, loads of new collectibles and a new playground to explore.

I haven't played the offline much yet, but got all the challenges done and have found about a third of all the collectibles. I expect it to take me at least another week to get everything on the Island completed.

Doing all of the challenges is completely optional, the Diamond P12 that you get for completing all 500 challenges is just a show off online car, it doesn't have anything you need to win races online, so it definitely isn't a must have car.

I still have about 30 bike challenges to do before I get my Diamond P12, and it's not that much of a priority. We had a really good session of bike challenges over the weekend with a room full of friends. Finding a room full of friends to play Paradise with is much more important then anything really... who you play this game with makes all the difference to your gaming experience. I hope you can find another 7 PS3 players to have fun with online. The game really comes to life with a room full of friends!

Linkster's picture

For games isn't value for money or give as much playtime as you would hope.  Take a look at Fallout 3 or Fable II DLC and each of those will only give 3 or 4 hours gameplay.  Right from the off I was only expecting 5 hours maximum before I had found everything and done it 100% and it lived up to that.  For me what the DLC has added is more than just a new area but also some cool new cars with which to go exploring with and seeing if I can improve my previous scores on the main land with.

I hadn't bought the Toy Cars pack but I did already have the Legendaries and I read on a lot of forums how the Toy Legendary unlocks have cheapened them to those that paid for them.  I disagree (well about the Legendaries anyway) and that they add an extra fun element.

Lack of bike support I admit is disappointing as to me it seems as though CG have completely forgotten about them.  Maybe it because people rarely use them online but this is mainly CG's fault for not including bike racing online.

As has already been stated the hardest part of the game is finding 7 other like minded people online.  The number of games that I join that have 8 players the host rarely seems to do any events or challenges.

Bright side for me though is that 1.9 seems to have fixed the problem that I had before and I can now join custom online games and host my own.  Dunno what happened before to stop that.

[gamercard:Linkster FTW]