evild's blog

I've only just begun

The guide is half done. Meaning all Smashes, Billboards and Super Jumps have been found! Photos are the last thing to do.

I can honestly say I'm having a good time doing it. There were other "teams" that found everything a couple days before me but it's not about the speed, it's the quality. This is a one-man job. Something I've always wanted to do. Photos of each objective will the sweet icing on this beautiful cake.

6 hours of Paradise

I picked up my reserved copy of Burnout Paradise yesterday after work and played for 6 hours.

I felt overwhelmed by all there is to do in the city. With an event on almost every intersection, all the smashes, billboards and jumps, all the Road Rules... my head was swirling. I didn't know where to begin. As I'm typing this I still don't know!

That's a lot of Smashes

Listening to the most recent CrashFM podcast they reveal the final numbers on the total Smashes, Billboards and Super Jumps.

Smashes: 400
Billboards: 120
Super Jumps: 50

If anyone from Criterion Games is reading this: I could use an advance copy of the game. The sooner I get started on the maps the sooner I can finish them. :)

Gates, Billboards and Super Jump project details

A follow-up to my original post about the Gates, Billboards, Super Jumps project. I thought I'd layout my method for obtaining the locations of the objectives and how I'm putting it into guide form.

It's basically a 3 step process: Locate, Capture, Process. I don't do everything at once because it's prone to errors or missing something. I will use 4 different profiles for the first two steps.

Gates, Billboards and Super Jump locations project

I've always wanted to do some kind of game guide for a favorite game. Playing the game and writing down what I've learned in hopes it'll help other gamers.

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

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