6 hours of Paradise

I picked up my reserved copy of Burnout Paradise yesterday after work and played for 6 hours.

I felt overwhelmed by all there is to do in the city. With an event on almost every intersection, all the smashes, billboards and jumps, all the Road Rules... my head was swirling. I didn't know where to begin. As I'm typing this I still don't know!

I want to at least unlock a few cars so I eventually just started racing and road raging and burning. I had no plan. Pulled up to an intersection, pulled the triggers and went. I never knew what to expect around the next corner, I didn't know where the heck I was and didn't know where I was going. Pedal to the metal was the only thing I knew. A race would finish and I'd be all the way on the other side of the map. I had dropped through the rabbit hole and didn't know how I was going to get back. I unlocked a couple cars and felt I needed to head out online since a lot of my friends were out there. I mean, those challenges aren't going to complete themselves.

48 of 350 challenges. That what I ended up with after last night. A mixture of 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 players.

We started from the top of the list and went down. The first few challenges were easy. Drift. Yup, that's it. Not drift for 50 yards (though that was one) or 100 yards or everyone drifts for 12,000 yards. Just drift to complete the challenge. I think we went through the first five 2-player challenges in less than three minutes. They got progressively "harder." But from now on I'm starting at the bottom (number 50) and working my way up. I want the fun/hard ones right away.

We experimented with putting races together. It's not as intuitive as I thought it would be. I'm sure it'll work itself out as I use it more.

Tonight I'm concentrating on finding Smashes, Billboards and Jumps. I hope to get another good chunk of the guide done and uploaded.

This is going to be a wild ride. I'm strapping in.