Naarkesh's blog

Podcast #19 - wooo

Lets hope they read out my email. I want to know about that tranformers reference dammit! Carson GT Concept and Hunter Civilian are clearly Bumblebee and Barricade from last years movie.

This is going to get bumpy - Marked Man.

So, last night after hours of grinding challenges, me and four friends decided to do some marked man racing as we all agree that the exclusion of this game type from paradise was a needless oversight.

So, here we go - the rules:

Multistory Race Night

Hokay, my first Paradise post. Lets see here. Oh yes, Multistory night!

The story goes, last night I was frustrated seeing folks playing Paradise when I haven't got it so I booted up the demo with some friends, sat through the video for about the 60th time (I made a drink) and got stuck in to what soon became epic.


There are three rules here.

  • Pick one Multistory Car park in the city
  • All combatants....err, racers must exit via a specified roof jump.
  • The winner lands first.

On your marks - GO.

New in town

Hey folks, I'm new in town.

My name is Naarkesh, and I'm a Burnoutaholic.

Professionally, I am both software engineer and games animator. I have a strong background in games and am a BSc in Games Devlopment. Needless to say, the videogames industry is my life.

I siged up today after being a long time reader. It seemed fitting based on the epic level of excited I'm feeling due to the impending release of Burnout: Paradise.

So, why am I blogging? Read on...

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