CaR_RaceR_6's blog

Legendary Cars

 I personally think that there is no wast of money for getting the Jansen 88 Special because is freakin hovers over the ground, I'm a little bit skeptical on getting the whole set on the PS network. Could anyone shine some light on any of the other cars that will be available? 


any new updates soon?

 so i've been playing with the bikes for quite sometime, an i got all the trophies i can't really find anything to keep my interest anymore, i mean don't get me wrong i will still play Burnout but i was just wondering if anyone had heard anything about any updates coming out soon?

Is it me or are the Bike Burning and Midnight routes quite easy?

 Ya so, when i downloaded the pike pack, i was like oh this is awesome. but then when i was doing all the routes for the bikes i always had like a minute extra or so. so pretty much i had my learners permit done with in like an hour an half. so now i have all the bikes an now I'm pretty much done with it, but one last thing is that is there a total of five bikes or there only 4? because I think I heard something about a carbon fiber bike. IDK thats what I heard anyways. let me know

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