Is it me or are the Bike Burning and Midnight routes quite easy?

 Ya so, when i downloaded the pike pack, i was like oh this is awesome. but then when i was doing all the routes for the bikes i always had like a minute extra or so. so pretty much i had my learners permit done with in like an hour an half. so now i have all the bikes an now I'm pretty much done with it, but one last thing is that is there a total of five bikes or there only 4? because I think I heard something about a carbon fiber bike. IDK thats what I heard anyways. let me know


ZombieTron's picture

There are only 4 bikes so far, as far as we know.

I haven't even started doing the offline bike stuff yet, some of the routes look pretty sweet, but your right, it doesn't look difficult. (I watched Xandu play through it).

Gooner Rhyle's picture

...especially on the Firehawk.

Has anyone unlocked the other two bikes yet? how do you do it?

Dodger455's picture

you will need to finish all of the Burning routes, Midnight rides included to unlock the last bike, the 3rd bike i unlocked with just some of them done.

the last bike is bad ass, it's worth getting.

TUFTYCLUB's picture

everything about the bike pack is far too easy.I was hoping for something a little more challenging.