Gooner Rhyle's blog

Paradise Regained

It's been a while since I travelled the roads of Paradise for any real length of time. My love for the game remained undiminished in that time it's just that...well...Gears of War 2...Call of Duty WaW...Street Fighter IV...among others...have meant that there has been other demands on my time. Throw the birth of my son into the mix (born on 12th Feb...same birthday as me!) and you can hopefully understand that that time has become more and more limited.

The Madness of King Ward...and EA.

Let me start by saying I've given a lot of thought to this blog before posting and there are some key points to remember before moving on to the main point of this post.

1. I've only ever played Burnout Paradise.

2. I've never posted on any EA forum.

3. I have no idea what kind of a man Alex Ward truly is to truly judge him.

As far as point 3 goes...with his recent comments...I'm about to have a pretty good try.


I was reading  jwillisjr's latest blog and it brought not just a smile to my face but a question to my lips.

As much as I enjoyed Showtime when I first purchased Paradise I haven't played that mode since picking up the achievement for beating the last road.

Does anyone still play this? Am I missing something that has added to the longevity for some people?

Online Clownshoes Behaviour

As I've mentioned in the forums, a couple of weeks ago I finally got my 100% and some nice gold and platinum paint for my cars. Nice. I'd now got 45 out of the 50 available achievements and was nudging ever nearer to maxing out the 1000 (something I'm not sure I'll ever do mainly down to the fact that I can't race online...but I digress...).

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