Paradise Regained

It's been a while since I travelled the roads of Paradise for any real length of time. My love for the game remained undiminished in that time it's just that...well...Gears of War 2...Call of Duty WaW...Street Fighter IV...among others...have meant that there has been other demands on my time. Throw the birth of my son into the mix (born on 12th Feb...same birthday as me!) and you can hopefully understand that that time has become more and more limited.

During that time I picked up the Legendary cars and the Toy cars, and as I mentioned in this blog had a mixed time with them.

Having downloaded the Boost Specials pack last night I had the best time with the game I've had since I finished my Paradise City 'Knowledge' and finally start to make inroads in the game. I'm looking forward to wracking many more hours over the coming weeks, despite Dead Space sitting unplayed in my games cupboard....ah well...

Here's to pulling a double-figure barrell roll and 1000+ flat spin in the Extreme Hot Rod...happy days...