Criterion ")%, without the shift it's 205.

So this week I have been mostly been racing the Criterion 205. Why may you ask? Because, it’s a car I like to drive, it has the word Criterion in it; it drives at 205 to 260mph, so boost jumping is less superior, it drifts well, not so quirky and twitchy, but it can crash off big jumps like the Black Elite Racer. I even flipped the car this week, and it’s ridged design, as I tried to land it on its back end after a full flip (Woo hoo, Suffur Rocks, ok, so maybe pebbles), wanted to break it in half, but since cars don’t do that on Revenge (and Paradise) it crashed for evar, wanting to disintegrate into more pieces than the program for entertainment would allow. Anyway I wanted to drive the 205 to see what would happen to my rank as well, but I was not after wins, just not crashing and making sure I did not time out, was the main goal. All the rooms were ranked, and all the cars were unlocked, and tracks were set to a host’s preference, Random, Random, Random, mostly, which enable White Mountain R, to come up 3 times in 3 games, until the host changed it manually. To, Random Europe, Random America and Random Asia, though Eternal City Long F came up in 3 times in 3 sets of games. At least it proves its random, lol.

My ranking started at 3000 < 4000. By day one and 5 games I was < 1000, 908 to be exact. And I did not time out in any races, and even won two sets with Zombie, in her Revenge Racer, to tell the truth everyone in that room had Revenge Racers. But they were below me in Rank except Zombie.  On Day 2 till day 5, I jumped into random rooms, Ranks ranged from 200 to -‘s and not one person timed me out on those sessions. I was looking for Burnoutaholics, but they must have been in rehab, as I did not see any, except the ones on my friends list, who were playing Halo 3, not a good week to experiment, or was it? In that 5 day period, I had to race the Revenge Racer once, as one host did not have the cars unlocked, and I came third over all, if I had the Criterion 205, I think I could have won. Yes, after using the 205 for 5 days I could not drive or race the Revenge Racer well, not that I did before, but I was a lot worse in that race. So on the night of the 5th day, drunknnumpty was hosting, which was nice, but pleased, see to the near start of the blog, drunk is a Random to the power of 3, track sort of guy, then used the EAA code, when too much repeats, like White Mountain ot Eternal City.

Now this session, was a good couple of hours long, though the racing never really go off till the room started to fill, which took a good half hour, with no ‘headers’, bad NAT’s or the noisy arguments, music, and breathing, in the feedback department were released to do it elsewhere. We even had a Groomer in the room, which was fun till, they were groomed back, and they got upset and left. Don’t start what, you can’t finish? People, even if you’re trying to have fun. Anyway, we had a number of racers in the room and different cars, from the Logitech, Black Elite, even a Prototype 205 and of course the weapon of choice, the Revenge Racer. Now after a few games, someone asked what I was driving, I had been coming in second after drunk for a while and my car was Black and not covered in flames, so maybe the person thought I was in a new car, so it was said I was in a Criterion 205, is that alright, he said it was fine. After that and drunk, telling the room on occasion what I was driving, I was repeatedly taken down, as people passed, and they were definitely trying to hunt me too, which was fun. I lead all on a merry chase and got takedowns back, lol; the Criterion seems small and does fit through some tight gaps, between cars and short cuts and pillars. Though I was owned by a Swedish Lass a lot, that had 24 meg connection, that did lag, sorry hun’, but I think your BF was downloading stuff on the PC at the same time, not that the lag in anyway, took away those takedowns, she really slammed me hard into walls, lol. Now I did time out a lot, in these sessions, at least on 2 occasions drunk was 1.5 to 2 miles ahead of me, and getting the occasional slap, meant that I was put behind in the worst but fun possible ways. The only way, I have worked out, to not time out, is to not crash, period. So I had to bring my game, and did, coming in first a couple of times, mostly second with numpty in the room unless he crashed a lot, lol. I have to say, that the Criterion has served me well, it takes tighter drift corners, so shorter distance travelled, it keeps a steady 220 mph off jumps, minimum, it’s just a bit heavier than the Revenge, so they bounce off to give me a takedown, so more boost, and is a stable drive as long as you don’t push the boost jump of big jumps like the White Mountain broken bridge, which makes it want to be a Black Elite, and crash at the landing of said boost jump. It also gets the entire use of pity boost it needs to finish a race, as long as I don’t crash, which means only the best will time me out with their Revenge Racers, as long as they don’t crash. I will be continuing to use the Criterion till the end of the week, still have 2 days to go, and probably into the foreseeable future, as I like the car, and if I drive well, it means I don’t time out. But also, I can desensitize, myself from the Revenge Racer, as it’s a car, with Special written all over it, and the cars in Paradise, are not going to be that Special until your Licence is nearly complete. And I would rather play the game with no notions of handicap that the Revenge will cause, when I try out new cars on the game. Oh and my Rank was around 5000 when I finished last night, but I was racing for every point. I raced most tracks, and the long races can, be hard to finish especially if there are three laps set rather than default, I enjoyed Angel Valley a lot, but that last shortcut near the end of the race needs some work, only hitting right once out of 3. Motor City was great as well as Central Route, though I did not do the big jump on Central Route Long R, sticking to my usual, wide but cut in front of the others, shortcut. Eternal City Longs, will need some work too, as a lot of air effects the driving of the car, but again fun. All the tracks were great, but they all needed a new approach, but I am happy so far and will continue to get better as time goes on. Lap times were, not far off my originals held, a few seconds is all, but I'm not after lap times, so that's ok.

Also on the sound of points, drunknnumpty and I broke the 500 takedowns on a Nemesis, last night, pictures have been taken and will be posted, and then drunk took me down again, for 501 against my 500, lol. This has taken, since the release of the game on the Xbox 360, which is not bad, some road ragers should have passed that mark by now, but if not, we would like a Burnoutaholic achievement, but only until we show the pictures, which should go for the rest of you, so if you do have over 500, prove it and who with, and take a picture.


Anyway, some bad news, it looks like FAQ, have lost their first clan match, without even playing a game. Oh well, it was out of our hands, and we will live on, knowing, that its only a game, which we do have fun playing, we just have to be more selective with whom we fight against, so we don’t lose that way again.


kevlar0's picture

i have hunted high and low, east and west, hither and thither, but i can't bloody find em. 2 discs, both revenge. both well lost, ( i put them in a safe place in a drug induced frenzy)

after reading the above^^^^^,,, i wanna play, and i wanna play now. i have been putting off buying one cause of the imminant release of paradise (25/02/2020) last known release date. i'm gonna have to bite the bullet and purchase another copy, i wanna get beat by drunk again and let zom take me down,and get timed out by total knoobs, again... i'm fed up with everything at the moment. RTT = MUS.

suffer you old dog (stafforshirebullwhippet) 500 wow. drunk (pink chiuwawa) must have glitched, he does that.

may the gods be with you, and all that sail on you.



my dog ate my disc.

ZombieTron's picture

Nice one guys! you are the first 500 score settlers that I know!  But you will not be getting another BurnoutAholics achievement for it as you already got the 300 x Score Settled achievement for being Ultimate Nemeseseseseses. But I guess you can call yourselves Awesome Ultimate Nemeseseses now!!

--- The Original and the Best ---

FrozenVapor's picture

You write some long blogs...

The Criterion 205 is a nice car, I like using it in 205 locked matches.  Fun to drive.


As for your 500 takedowns... I have 400+ with Rofer, but since he plays with so many alternate tags (what's the point of that) I haven't been able to get to 500.

SUFFUR's picture

 ... they would be less understandable, as i do ramble, but with a podcast, at least i would have some expertise as i did work  for a couple of radio stations and did hospital radio. Oh and some degree, i studied for, but what has education got to do with?

I would rather do a video, but alas no capture card, till i get some money. Plus if you see earllier blogs/comments, i write these blogs for pratice, as one day i have to move onto full movie scripts, and as these blogs prove i need the practice, lol. But as with most internet media, its doesn't have to be done with usual norms, so there is no set agenda for what, how and should be done.

Though thank you for reading my blog Frozen and for leaving a comment, not many other people do, even to say its b0ll0cks, some of it is just for fun, and if one laugh arises, i'm happy or a small point of interest has been noted, i am again happy. I know most of the gang read it and say they had a good laugh, just wish they would leave a comment, it helps me to think of something else to write about next.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

Well i finished the week, my '360 can blog' said I only player Revenge for 5 days so I will be playing with my 205 for more time to come. At the end of the week I ended up with a 2000 or so rank (drunk lagged out, so thanks for some points there dude), which is no real diffrence to normal, but did get down to less than 500, which is even better. Anyway, played with MCMD in ranked road rage, and was having a lot of fun, but since not many people on so, when MCMD and myself were on the same team it became a bit one sided, we took out the Blue team in seconds from the start and never saw them in the rear view if we were running. We did have Bacon join us for a while and i must say the game got a lot more entertaining, as well as a few people that had played the game before, so the chase was on, owned Bacon on the final 1000 feet, of an Eastern Bay short, he did not know what hit him. I like those type of takedowns, where the runner does not have a clue where they were hit from, i think his rear view will be used a bit more now on RR. And i even got an air bourne takedown which is always nice, well it was for me, not for the profaning child i did it to. 

Then MCMD, went off line, to come back later to say he had to move the house round to play on Live, by plugging his set up in the cooker plug, as his trip switches went up the creek, dude that is an issue that needs and electric person round, lol. But the man is dedicated, just like a Record Breaker, and being close to the kettle must have been nice to make a cuppa while racing, lol or a Pot Noddle.

I think my 205 driving is getting better, i'm learing the drift corners again, i'm still coming near the the end of the pack when i finish, but that was the point, not to time out, but in a race with MCMD (and some others), i would time out, and this guy only started to boost jump?? I think i do better on short tracks rather than long, as the Revenge does pull away, when its got some room to do so, while closed in shorter tracks seem to make them crash (they must be looking at the distance meter to see where that dam upstart of a 205 racer is, lol), for me to pass on by, which is nice. I might try the Works 202 out this week, Zom care to join me sometime, you can bring your Revenge lover too. Oh anyone else from the site can too, being owned by members, dosn't hurt so much, as they know how to play, lol.

PS, i must point out for Road Rage, especially in MCMD room, no stopping (bad racer you should only use the brake to drift, not stop) and no camping(unless it gone real Pete Tong, yes you Pringled, means you crashed so often you just can't stop doing it), so when i did catch Bacon in his Revenge, it was because i just kept going, till he lost speed, due to the rubber band effect, rubbed to many walls, or cashed, once or so.

I would like to thank the other racers i did play with, it was fun beating you in a 205, as much as it was fun, you beating me with takedowns and races, and some of the knoobs gained some achievements, for playing for the first time and getting 5 takedowns on me, or me getting them, by sharing a takedown. Thank you, you Randoms that joined and other more established racers, it was and is still fun.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xedec's picture

hey suffur the criterion 205 has alwasy been my car of choice! a few people called me the Criterion-king! if you think your good with the criterion lets me and you race!! mano 'a' mano! ok amigo??


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

drunknnumpty's picture

dude.. disappointed.. acusing me of hosting with random random random set up.. you should know that its always random europe, random us, random asia.. and always will be.. its nice to start with White Mountain for god know how many times in a row and always finishing up with eastern bay... you know i love my eastern bay.. lol

i may not be the best host in the world but at least i do try and mix it up a bit..

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

drunknnumpty's picture

kev..  WTF.. im never a chiuwawa... more like a pink labradoodle... 

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

SUFFUR's picture

At the moment, Portal is that new game experiance, that comes around once a year, but i will play anyone with a 205, and try to win, but now i've been playing Portal, Revenge makes sence when you fall through the floor, Criterion were first, then Valve, copied the idea, now thats conspiracy theory put to the test.

Portal on first glance takes 3 hours to play, then they make it harder, and i still have to play the other games, Team Fortress 2 is looking fun, only played 1 game, but i got 4 kills, 10 deaths, which is ok, and it was a capture type game. 

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

Only after the repeats do you change it.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

You do pink curlies on the lawn?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

drunknnumpty's picture

there was no point when i was hosting that it was Random, Random, Random.. i always mix the continents to stop the white mountain effect.. if you were straight enough at the time white mountain reverse came up as the first race of three three times in a row.. not one after another...


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

drunknnumpty's picture

but only after a good night out...


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

SUFFUR's picture

Hand bags at 10 paces, you started with Random by the power of three first, then went to Random, Euro, Asia, America, or the A's the other way round, you know you be lazy and is wrong, so ner, ner, ner, now go have a glass of milk, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Sort it out, take a time out, chill out and Burnout later.

drunk normally runs the EU/US/ASIA combo, but could have slipped up once!

I just don't want to see the Cute Pink Labradoodle be ripped to shreds by the mean staffordshirebullwhippet!!!

and milk is good for you!!

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture


Patience! Ha! and other laughs begining with the letter 'W'!

And I love the numpty, and all his pinkiness, but i am not a man lover, i'm in enough pain as it is to 'enjuice' more upon myself or others, with man love, but if you (as in others, that are not drunk) are  man lovers,  thank you, it means the women quota goes up a bit, minus the 'woemen' lovers, rulers to the world, all. (And i might find a date, though how they would find me in my living room, is a mystery?) They bleed and live, now thats a super power! (sorry if that offends, but you need to know the joke, so its not so gross, that which is natural, and really should not be laughed about, as i should be nice, and will need a date sometime in the future, for health reasons, should Bollocks be blue?).

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?