Life Without A 360/Burnout!

Yes it does exist i have found out to my suprise!  I guess a lot of gamers use computers and game consoles in moderation and that's a great thing:  but me well i have an addictive personality and go through stages of madness where i cant put something down until it dies or tries to kill me lol  I can readily blame the 360, Burnout in particular,  for me not being attentative in a certain relationship, result?  Relationship over - no i wont be a man and stand up and say it was my fault, it was burnouts fault: aint that the truth.

There is no rhyme or reason for this blog, i was gonna try and start something over in the forums about conspiricy theories because i have recently found out some information (mmmm FBI) that astounded me and i wanted to get a feel on how other people think about that kind of thing - and i dont post or havnt joined websites dedicated to that sort of thing partly because i'm worried it might take over my life and i guess because of the brevity of some of the questions:  (Think i should apologise to Xandu and Zombie at this point as this probably does belong in the forums): Has there really been an alien/human exchange program (Serpo) or are the people behind this smokescreen just weeding out the people who are leaking info to the public?  Are wars MADE simply for money??? Is there an elite group - Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Freemasons whatever behind every move that any Government make?  Here's a weird one - David Icke - Are there Reptilians (supposedly humans bred with Aliens or Reptiles) that are in these elite groups - shapeshifters or whatever they are called that eat children?! Is there another sense out of the 5 senses that few people are privy to - Do the rituals past the first 3 Masonic rituals actually have the power to awaken something in a persons DNA structure?  Yes i have gone completely insane.... but have i really? 

There is a guy who became friends with a member of the Rockefeller family who claimed that a short time before the twin towers tragedy told him that " something big is gonna happen and we (the U.S.) are going to go to war with Iraq and our army will be looking in caves for someone we will never find".   I for one believe the twin towers was an orchestrated event and little things like this just tend to tease me a little bit.

Back to Burnout!!!!

I think the main reason for this blog is to honour Suffer and his 205 cars.  Dude you are the guy who is making me call Microsoft almost everyday to ask when i'm gonna get my 360 back from Ring Of Death Hell...  Man i just wanna race you in those cars, sounds like your having a ball!!  Save a spot for me in your rooms for when i return if you would be so kind - The Italian guy Giuppy we managed to get to join this site is fantastic in those cars, i rue the day we talked him into racin the Revenge car - i'd love to get you two in a room in those 205's! 

I'm gonna run off not quite believing that i posted this blog entry, the content is slightly surreal for sure.  Any thoughts on conspiricy theories are most welcome....?! Hahaha mmmm Maybe i should just go an buy another 360 until my repaired one returns...  nah don't get me started on Bill Gates and his fortunes etc he is definately worthy of a conspiricy theory!


SUFFUR's picture

I might lose, but i'll have fun? And the theories, they are all true to someone, and the 9/11 thing, avoid at all costs they are now hunting them down, they who speak the truth. Plus the mind does wonder when the control device that is the 360 is not in your home, Bills idea, fact.

Truth be told, as long as no one uses the Revenge Racer, the races will be totally fair, but thats never going to happen?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

This definatly belongs in your Blog Ichi!

I'm up for racing slower cars, I might lock it to 202 next time I'm hosting!

I caved and bought a pre-owned core system when my 360 redlighted, but that was before the free fix. I have since sent my dead 360 back for a free repair, so I now have 2. I think this is Bill's plan - to get at least 2 360's in every household!

I'm surprised you didn't mention the moon landings (did we really land on the moon?) or the drift jumping conspiracy (is it really just a bug?).

I think Burnout is responsible for making more relationships than its broken, plenty more Burner's on the track!

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

Dude the biggest conspiracy of them all is ....Censored... sorry I cant mention what it is as it is against the rules and conditions of this site and many others, and its bigger than anything you could imagine. People write story's dude others read them and some belive them. Freemasons, the secret society or is it a society with secrets, just because you dont know what they do dosent mean that its bad, I personaly do not belive in all the clap trap that evolves around Alien conspiracies all I know is that Serpo is a good racer on revenge, It does not scare me to think that there is life beyond our Universe, but it does scares me to think that we are alone.


Cymru am Byth

ichienkai's picture

Yup I forgot the moon landing Zombie   I don't think they made it when they said they did... The photo's prove it really.  Did you know Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were Freemasons - i do know Armstrong never gave an interview after the event.  One was the highest 33 degree and the other's father was too, dunno which was which but many think they "claimed" the moon for Lucifer in the name of freemasonry??  As for Serpo Bootleg thanks for the compliment but when i started reading into Serpo (the supposed truth behind Roswell) i did not know what to think!  Anyone fancy a a few hours reading look at and read the e-mails from Anonymous. 

I don't know anything about freemasons but i did get stuck into going on a "Ladies Night"!  Don't take the p Boot man, i will explain!  They have these nights for the partners of members and as my gf's father in law was a high ranked mason i had to go (this is like 10 years ago - she turned out to be a bit psycho i'm afraid to say), she wouldnt let me go out and play with my friends! So they sit the guests of honour next to the Grandmaster on a slightly elevated table at the head of the room - dont know if a grandmaster is as high up as a 33 degree mason (prince Phillip is one - i think people are currently debating Blair's status?? Dunno).

I messed up in there almost straight away by tipping the bar man who was wearing a £3,000 suit! Its a no no apparently.  The worst part about it was half way through this regal dinner,  having to stand up at the head table next to Mr Dogs B*******S and sing directly to my partner - a song i'd never heard of before all in unison with a bunch of masons. What is that all about??

Anyways its nice to know Zom And Suffer certainly have their eyes half open like myself - i'll sit on the fence with you Bootleg until you disclose this ultimate secret you have?  If its that Jo Guest is secretly a man/dwarf/sexy then i have heard them before dude - she is not any of those three things Lol

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

Of all the things they could have invited you to you got stuck on The Lady's Night hahaha.Oh and  You forgot to mention Elvis

Cymru am Byth

SUFFUR's picture

Put in google or most search engines and ask is milk good for me, or something similar, and the links to milk is really bad for you, is huge. But after reading some of the articles, it seems milk is really bad for you if it comes from bad cows, you know the drug taking ones. I would like to see a study on real organic cows, that just eat grass, and are milked by maidens, into a pail, then sold to the local shop? Probably find dirt in it that came from the maidens hands and nails, as she did the wheel barrow with the farmers son, but i hope the rest of it was healthy. 

We are all dying it seems, for money, and using money to make more money, and the people with the real money are killing us off. Maybe?

Broken put me onto the search about milk thing, now i have to find the New World Order letter, that makes America the no.1 Power in 100 years, by capitalising on the oil market, and owning the rest of the world through that, and they will be using terrorist type 'tacktics'. Sadly my father is working in that industry and say coal should now be used again as we can burn it cleaner with present day technology and use oil, for other things, like clothes (though hemp is better), medicines, food stuff, and other things that will cost more money in the future, etc, stuff we really need, not just to burn it up in a car/vehicle. And the technology for a car to run on water is here! (sorry no evidence, saw a merc that cost a million, has a water engine, on Top Gear), also electric cars are good too and getting better. Now back to nuclear power we go, now that is true, we will see more nuclear power stations in the future, wether they go boom or not, with the poulation as big as it is, until the American Power mongers do away with us. And what is the biggest land mass that has the least amout of poulation? Our birth place, Africa, someday to be changed to New America, but may be the base for AI, that will wipe use out in the future anyway, so die happy by doing what you want, I say. Just try not to hurt to many people as you go. And the Masons are a Instatutionalised Charity run by very important men, some of them rich, some placed in very high postions, today, and in the day, they held the secrets to build proper buildings, like churches, pyramids, and coloseums. And the key stone was one of secrets, and they are also very smart. Don't mess or you get the hand shake from hell. And they can be alot like us with this site, a group of people that communicate and help each other out, we do it for burnout and they do the rest of the world, but started with buildings. There are loadsa groups, and when you join a group, you tell them what you know, now they all know with-in the group, information is still a power greater than money, try and talk to Xan and Zom, lol.

But you know the biggest secret, is that women control us all, by badgering thier men, to make more money and control the world. And they have a socity, that is never talked about, as women keep the best secrets, and don't talk even under sexual favors.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?