old skool....

so was off work yesterday so I could go on my boarding session in evening (freestyle snowboarding) and while passing the time through the day i thought 'hey my Burnout 3 profile is corrupt let me make a new one' and so i did...


now its been about, not sure, maybe a year since i last played Burnout 3 in anger or for any period of time and what happened.. i got a little bit hooked again.. nothing to do with the graphics or the speed (as Revenge surpassed this on both) but just the feel of the cars (including the compacts) was so sweet.. and within a few minutes it was as though i had been playing it non stop since i got it.. the tracks were still fresh in the mind, although the traffic wasn't... and it was so nice to link a set of twisties in the same way as i used to in my assassin super..


not sure what it is about Takedown that gets me wanting to burn more.. it seemed to be strangely addictive, more so than Revenge, and flows so nicely that you just want to go again and again..


im feeling a racing weekend coming on.. i think its going to Burnout from when i get home tonight until the wee hours of sunday before i finally drift off to sleep leaning into corners and jumping when i hit the F***ing TukTuk that always seems to appear from nowhere..


so for those of you who want, i feel like i may be hosting on Revenge in a few hours time (unless Xan or Zom are).. come join and have my rank points i have no need for them.. may even throw in a few restrictions, a couple of 205 sessions for Suf and maybe even a 202 set for Zom.. and Suf there will be no Random in any sets before you go making things up again..


another thought i had driving home last night at a somewhat sensible speed, honest, was that from playing Burnout whenever i drive in real life it doesnt feel real(?) if that makes sense.. it feel very pedestrian in speed even when drive maybe a little quicker than I should.. and i think this is thanks to the many hours driving at 209+ and sliding into every thing possible.. at least this hasnt made into my driving style (at least not yet)..


if fact its not jus tthe driving.. at the moment nothing seems like its real.. it all seems like a computer game.. is this bad.. do you think its some sign of addiction or just my f***ed up mind playing tricks on me.. or is it it is all a game and im now thinking in the same way as ichie in thinking that there is something bigger and badder out there that we all should know about but is being kept from us by the so called 'goverment'... or am i just talking absolute bollocks (left that in Xan as you can have it as your motto on XBOX live so obviously isnt a swear word... lol) .. i dont know.. maybe its all the sugar i have had today that is getting me all hyper... mmmm.. chocolate covered honeycombe..


ok so now im going to stop as i have lost what i was saying... and i think i have typed enough already and i should really get back to work or even go home and set up a room...


theres a thin line between genius and insanity, i think i've fallen off...


ZombieTron's picture


My filter at work doesn't recognise it as being a banned keyword so it must be OK.

I would love to join you racing drunk, but might not be til very late or tomorrow as its date night!!

Did you know that Wispa's are back?

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

Yes i'm up for some Burnout, but if you did get the Orange Box, I do want to play some Team Fortress 2 with the usual Gang, sometime this week-end and if people did get the Box, they will be playing Portal, for 3 hours before they play something else, thats how good I think it is. And you lie, Pink Man, R3, is what you did, and you know its true, your friends list Burners will testify, that it is true. You may have changed your lazy ways now, but the past, is there to say you is a lazy to the power of R3. And going back to Burnout 3 is very nice, did you get it unlocked to the GTA Euro or to the Assassin?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? And when is the last time you laughed till you almost did yourself a mischief? It's been a while, right? We'll your going to have to search the web, it been a while for me too? Though i did see a web page called HaloCatz and the cat sniper is cool. Is drunk the Cat Sniper? Evidence to follow, if i can be bothered, for i too am lazy, but i did have a laugh as I thought about it, did you?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

Since its date night and all? Date night, you got to that stage? What night is dress up night, and name somemore nights, so i can fanta'size', see its back to orange stuff and size, with sex thrown in and portals, and still i talk bollocks!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

drunknnumpty's picture

maybe when i first hosted on revenge before i gave up trying to get my % hated passed 60% i may have gone completely default and random.. but those were long ago days.. since you convinced me to run one of each continent thats all i do and i dont believe that i ran any R3's this week while being the big cheese in the room.. and if anyone on here was there and wants to prove Suf right then please post here.. otherwise i will put it down to the onset of althzimers (?) due to age and the hard life he's had (luv you really) 


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

drunknnumpty's picture

as long as shes not being careless....


sometimes i feel ashamed of myself for things i say, do or think.. can anyone please guide me to some professional help....


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

ZombieTron's picture

I only meant dinner and a movie and not set in stone date night every friday stage what even is that? are we all bored today or what?

I thought this was the place to go for professional help? Maybe you should search the FAQ???

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

And you did, start with random till i whinged, and the other old ones are not going to say a thing as they have more sence than my althzimered brain, and have better things (with a Whispa, sound like Vespa, a moped and some sort of towel) to do, than play childish games, oops, pooed my pants back in a sec...

...drunk i made you an xmas present, it will have very pretty coulours in and on it by Christmas, random boy to the POWER OF 3.

And whats love got to do with it, fibber!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

whats an R3??? or am i just being blonde... i can play b3 cause my dog dint eat that one, and i forgot to pick a revenge disc up when i bought the box of said oranigibooms and another flicking headset. number 7 for the record.. reet back to wandering the streets of h/l and getting poked with said sticks..

my dog ate my disc.

SUFFUR's picture

As i have 4 redundant sets, and they will fix, repair, replace etc (don't know if it costs but its got to be cheaper than buying another 1, well it should be) but he still has to give me the address to send them to? Though its probably PO XBox Microsoft, Europe, Headset Repairs or Faulty build replacement, and America for the Americans. I hope they have another billon put aside, lol. The Red Headset of Death, not good but someone 'll think one up.

 And R3 is Random, Random, Random on Revenge (for Tracks), so may be it should be R4???

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

BootlegGiant's picture

So not only do they fix Console's, Replace game disk's now they do Headsets as well, damn those guy's are nice, do you know if they fix controlers that have fallen down the toilet!!


Cymru am Byth