FAQ: 101 uses/ways of The Whispa Bar.

Dam, twenty-five word bollocks, i have to wirte some more stuff just so it will count as a bloody blog, by the way I am happy just in case anyone did not notice and am having fun, lol.

1. A  cuppa hot chocolate, use it as a drinking straw.

2. Eat it!

For the rest of the bored ones please continue?


ZombieTron's picture

3. Mould it into a good poo shape and place on the ground as fake poo to trick passers by.

Thats the only I can think of, I don't think there are 101 uses!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Xandu's picture

4. Buy all 23 million of them and build a Wispa house.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

SUFFUR's picture

But i love your thinking.

No. 4 was put it on chips.

No. 6 put a small electric motor in it and make it dance across a table.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Number 7.  Unwrap a few and drop em into the nearest postbox - teach them bloody posties not to strike lol

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

kevlar0's picture

number 9. breathing apperatus: if you were to fall into a body of water and sink, pull out said whisphaaa and suck the air out, a valuble amount of air will be extracted and you can swim to safety. then you can have a chocolate feast to celebrate you near death ordeal.

my dog ate my disc.

SUFFUR's picture

Yes, better than air in a can i must admit (Kev, i hear almost died using the Fart in a Kan), as the can, can not be used as a floatation device and when opened it all come out to quick; while sucking a Whispa, is just the right life saving device, that can be carried in a pocket, with out the amount of bulg other devices have.

No. 10 A shoe horn, with chocolate lubricant, for that slip on feel.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xandu's picture

11. Put four wheels on it and you have yourself a Whispa Racer!!! I heard you can get it up to 325 on the broken bridge in White Mountain! Yeah!!!

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

drunknnumpty's picture

12.  buy 11 wispa's, stand 10 up on end, take the 11th and break into two, warm slightly and mold into balls and you have your very own chocolaty bowling set..


13. use three to make goal posts for subutteo, beats jumpers..


14.  stick lots of them together for a chocolate javelin, this way no-one would get hurt..


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

SUFFUR's picture

...sealing diaretic cats

16. Mold into a figurean of Suffur (you may need a few bars and a big one sticking out the middle'ish) and put pins in it, around the head, or is some one already doing that?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

I know who's stickin pins in the wispa configuration of you Suffer but hell i gotta stick to my word...

You know... i cant think of a single solitary useful use thing for a wispa bar!!

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture

LMAO very funny indeed Drunk (may i call you Drunk?) lol strangers in the past have called me Chicken, Ichi Canyon - didnt get that one - the obvious Ichi and Scratchy and more recently when the 360 had a heartbeat Heiniken. Damn is that how you spell Heiniken? It just looks all wrong when you look at it.... Heinichen Heinicen Heinikien bollocks Bootleg help me out dude how do you spell your beer of choice?

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

Stella Artois is my beer of choice dude and its such a good drink that soap story lines include this famous drink and is drunk by such good people such as Trevor Jordache from Brookside, Trevor Morgan from Eastenders, so thats why they call it Wife Beater Lager, as for Heineken Lager the originall Cats Urine why would you want to spell that its not like you drink it, is it!!!!!!!! Carling Boy, heck you dont even know the words to the Skol Song might have to start calling you Lucky Eddy

Cymru am Byth

BootlegGiant's picture

Is Wispa that no its not thats a curly wurly, whats a wispa bar


-------mae Dynion sudd yn byw yn Manceinion yn hoyw------

drunknnumpty's picture

ichie, you may call me anything you want, most people do..

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

ichienkai's picture

Seems to me only people called Trevor drink the wife beater, i used to be massive on Stella man but it almost killed me so yeah, burned through my stomach lining and caused me a load of grief and now i have the stomach of a cow. Carling is more mellow for me, just dont get why i havnt got the belly to match

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture

I like all things drunken so yeah from this day forth let you be Drunk  

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

So not only can you not handle a Man's drink, but you seem to have an over active thyroid gland, aint that a chick thing!!!!!, I dunno.. lol

----No1 baby, you know it!!!----

SUFFUR's picture

Now to make up 25 word, was the F1 good for you did you watch, when was the last time you ate a Whispa, do you think they will send me a free box or so for this, maybe, ding dong end of it.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

  stop all this talk of Wispas your making me want to go out and as i stated earlier it is .......so is a Wispa worth getting wet for?.....ill be back in 5.....


...The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


SUFFUR's picture

...Into the shapes of Cras from the Burnout, and have a race as they melt they you will get skid marks, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

........im going to try this one....

Jinno Angelo's picture

What is a Whispa bar? Is it anything like a Snickers Bar? Cause that stuff is Damn Good when you put it in the freezer and snack on it ice cold!


"Take the light, undarken everything around me." "Call the clouds and listen closely I'm lost without you." "Call your name every day when I feel so helpless." "I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

no there are no nuts in wispas they are bubbly ....... look HERE.......they are fab.....



...The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....