To those who have problems opening plastic wrapped periferals or other cats, in plastic A lazer would be cool, but it can be done with sissors, cut around three sides, and open like a book, take out contents inside and play, then put plastic in recycle bin and the paper too, as manuals are now on-line. The use of teeth will cost you in the long run, a knife too, as accidental stabbing will happen, and talking on the phone and trying to hold your guts in is hard, and will also cost you in the long run, sissors are cheaper, than medical bills. The end of this public warning!

Though if you have an hour or two (may be longer) and a video camera, film yourself opening said plastic wrapped goods, with said teeth or by flexing the plastic to brittleness, HA. It take time does it not, but does while away an afternoon. The new game of open the plastic (i think its tupperware, the more you flex it the stronger it gets) is the intro to all the new games you will get to play in the future, but has less lag and the only swearing you will hear, is your own under bated a-bubble-ing blooded breath, as you spit out chips of your teeth, a U-Tube must see.

ZombieTron's picture

I can't access Penny Arcade at work, but I know what you mean about plasic packaging. Even opening a new toothbrush is almost impossible!!

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

a circular saw usually does it, but do be carefull of the tips of your fingers

-------mae Dynion sudd yn byw yn Manceinion yn hoyw------

oO EezO Oo's picture

I tell my roommate that I think I saw 50$ inside the package, if he can get the package open he can keep the 50$.   Works every time.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Xandu's picture

I’ve gotten a couple of new accessories for my xbox lately and they were all wrapped in this really super strength plastic. They all had the dotted cut here line… So I got my… well ZombieTron’s scissors out and cut it open. That was almost too easy!

But that was not all. You then have an opening that is way too small to get whatever is inside out. So I used my hands and tried to tear the damn thing apart...worked like a charm except for the minor detail that the plastic actually cut into my hands.

I finally got my new Messenger kit out of the plastic. I think there should have been an achievement for that. First time you connect your new accessory a new Unpack… achievement should be awarded… 50 points!

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --