The further adventures of the Criterion 205.

While I upload pictures, to a friends ISS site on Facebook, my old school, I will try to remember who I raced with and how bad and good I was,But foloowing Zombies thread, yes it was great to be back on Burnout 3. But those voice coms are very quiet, any thing can be done about this? We had Evil Kon, Unhingedrisky his nee name, by the way, Zombie, drunk, and someone else, own up in a comment if you can? And though Evil wanted to race, we raged, taking turns crashing into oncoming, via RvB. And fun seemed to be had by all. Some great crashes via the race and some cheap and awesome takedowns done too.

So my 205 adventures, it does not help that when drunk hosts a room, he tells everyone I'm in the 205, because I become the boost-bytch, as they think I'm some hotshot up-start racer, lol, which I am not. I have to finish the race is all, but with all those takedowns, its hard, but I get by. Had a couple of close calls in Evil Kon's room, almost coming 1st against the plathera of Revenge Racers, but Evil Kon tried to forbid that in every race, when ever I over-took, sod. But it was so fun, and getting takedowns back was the icing on the cake for me, you see I got the cake from Portal, still have to get the Vanilla one, but I have cake, so there. Anyway, lots of awesome takedowns and crashes, like those, as I am just far enough behind to get round them, or under then in a lot of cases. Played Cyber Anni, Solly, drunk, Risky and again someone else, please add in comments as I forgot, I should keep notes on my pad, but as this is for fun, I don't take it that seriously. And I must say some people are rusty, and Risky is just good. Though he did glitch on me, and then jumped out of the room, why? Was having fun and he goes or was his rank getting damaged? Yes, he did it on the Mountain of Whitness, and even stopped to let me by, to which I then crashed and he still beat me, lol. The glitches are there and we have to live with it, and most cases, that glitch can be hit by accident anyway, so I'm not that bothered. So Risky cameback, I'm not hurt by it. I think I did finish first in some races, but timed out just as much too, but at least I feel like I'm driving, for one race I was only 900 ft behind Risky for two whole laps, until I crashed, but what a great race, from my point of view, I felt like I was working the Criterion, cutting corners, hugging bends and flying through short-cuts, and on Lone Peek too. Still came second, which is nice. I did do a rant about picking on the underdog in the wheel chair car, but as people pointed out, 'You chose it, you live with it', and I do, but getting slapped by all in the room before the first mile, is a point when you have to say something, right, and by that time, I'm a mile behind on White Mountain. We did have some races with Shaggy in the room, and a race was set up, that anyone can race any car except the Revenge. Everyone, still picked 209 cars, except me, of course Shaggy picked a Revenge, as he left to ___ or something, and got it by defaul. It was Evil's room, 5 rounds, 3 laps or 4, again confermation by comment would be cool. White Mountain, the Revenge owned the lot of us.

Evil was in the Criterion 209 version, Xandu was in the Spike, no, Black Elite as that broken bridge jump on White Mountain was killing him, with his car trying to snap in two, lol, Zombie was in the, you know I don't remember, and what was drunk in, and who else was in the room, this looks like a blog that needs back up, my mind has gone again, and I can't hit the keys on the key board well either, what is wrong with me. Anyway, the races where quite tight, to tell the truth, but Shaggy, was owned on the rest of the tracks, it looks like the Revenge is not the be-all car, as people sell it, though, people still chose it, lol. I have to say, I am enjoying driving and racing again, on the Burnout series, tried to look for a copy of Burnout 1 to play on the 360 and still awaiting Burnout 2 to become backward-compat. I though about playing Burnout Revenge on the XBox, but remebered I sold it with my other XBox as a package deal, and will not play it.

Well, I can't remember any more of the details of the races, sorry, but it was great racing you all, people who happen to jump into the room in the last couple of dayz, I thank you, for a good time, and thank you for bits of your rank, I'm still hanging on in the 3 or 4 thousands.

Beware of the Tuned 205, it likes to fly on White Mountain, and it gets more height, and a screaming Revenge Racer, for a verticale (how do I spell that, again), lol.

Till next time, keep burning those wheels.


ZombieTron's picture

The reason why you can't remember what I was racing is because I wasn't racing! Xandu was racing under my tag for those non-revenge racer races.

I think everyone has been blinkered by the Revenge Racer, I am really enjoying racing other cars. I think the Euro is currently my favourite Revenge car, along with the tuned 205! I think I might leave my Revenge Racer in the garage til Paradise comes out, with the mileage it's done it is well overdue a rest!

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

XambieTron, Zandu, you know my mind is not good, but it was fun, no? And as you are that close,  why does B, J and SS know and I don't? Am I always the last to know? Love you two, bye. And that Poll came up quick, the power, you two have is scary.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xandu's picture

Racing in other cars was good fun. Drunk was in the 360 car btw.

I actually won a race in my Black Elite. I think it was on Eastern Bay Long F... or was it R??? Came last on White Mountain and Angel Vally...  THe other 2 races I think I was I the middle of the pack. The Angel Vally Forward race was my choice and turned out to be a bit of a nightmare in the Black Elite. As you probably know I dont jump to the right after the brugersign but go straight on and go into the tunnel. The first lap someone crashed on the jump... second lap I hit it perfectly got up to 310 MPH and then lost it and crashed. On the third lap I actually had too much speed entering the jump and landed on the roof of the tunnel and crashed.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --