Just passing time

Afternoon Bloggy, dont get exited I am not back to my old form, just bored wittless you see Bloggy I am confined to the Office today and its kinda boring, there is only so many times you can read wikipedia before your eyes get blurry and start to run and then everyone thinks you are crying, I dont really know what to write about, there is nothing new in Bootleg World, not played any Revenge lately apart from two races on Sunday, Realy getting into Halo 3 what with the map editing tools, I still think Skate sucks yet I seem to play that mostly, Oh and I made someone change their gamertag, its funny how we read a name and change it a little like ichienkai becomes chiken or BootlegGiant becomes wow you are so damn fine, well if you ever read this Mr F00 sorry man but it was funny and funnier still when every one else called you by it, and when they belived that it really was your name, not that it was a bad name ah well never mind its all just banter, I am shure you havent left me and bad feedback, right thats ten minutes gone only another 2 hours to go, I am thinking of getting a Xbox Elite nope just made my mind up, I am getting a Elite, I could bring my 360 into the office hook it up to one of the PC monitors hmmmm thats a thought, right Bloggy I'm off to buy a Elite probably off Play, might see you soon, I  might not laters looser Blogg, Oh and to Mr I have a new gamertag enkai you still suck and i hope you loose in that Tourney that never seems to get started lol laters


ichienkai's picture

 Mmmm im sure there are loads of things you can make from mine apart from chicken dude...!!!  Sonic made me laugh with his "Buttleg" and then there was your stalker BooblegGiant lol  Why are you buying an elite man you already have how many 360's... pure greed!

 --This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

But as they are so poorly built isent it a good idea to have a spare, well that is my excuse for my little obsession, I will also need a new TV that supports the HDMI dang it, ah well never mind.. Oh and as gamertags go you can also get homo from ichienkai


----No1 baby, you know it!!!----

Xedec's picture

hmmm i would lik eot see i a chiken and giantboobleg! seems better


The harder you play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)