
wazz up Blogg Dogg, I have a banging headache this morning and had to leave Halo to many screaming Yanks (and they were my friends) I had a fun time on Revenge last night (after ichi left) Why do people think they are good because they have three digits, get over your self's, I did one comment about lap times and this crazy Yank went off on one, I don't care if your having a bad day or your gran cat passed away, learn to chill or don't come online, I met some great people last night and some ass bandits (sounds nicer than A Hole) anyway back to the reason of my Blogg it ain't about the points ichi its about the new Paradise info that I have seen all over the Internet and the people who are screaming about it, What ever they do they should not listen to the fan base and they get it wrong (magnum from Halo1 into Halo 3 for one dose not work) any ways  Firstly the Speedo has gone  which some believe is something to do with the insane speeds people Bragg about 300+, Brakes I can why they go as well probably something to do with the Insane speeds I'm guessing ACW got owned by someone who drifted past them at 220mph when all they could get was 30mph but now it seems after a long debate about the future of Burnout Criterion have decided to for the first time introduce Manual gears as  default to try and keep some of the hardcore racers out there happy.. :-)


SUFFUR's picture

The information you are a'talking about, are people saying that there is no brake button on Paradise? If so where are they gettin it from, as there are two types of brakes, your drift one, and to slow down just a smite,  and an E one for doing Power Parking and doing stunts, and  180's to cheese it from ragers etc, and maybe the odd cat or dog on the road? And where did the info come about for manual gears, its the first I've heard of it? I know you be lazy, about linky bits and stuff, but where are the people telling you this stuff and where are they getting it from, the Hersay Web site for dreams? The hersay stuff should be dead, there is enough on the podcasts to say other wise, that it is all the Burnouts in one, with some upgrades to next-gen, better 'realistic handling' 4 tires, not a block of graphics called the Revenge Racer or Criterion 205 for that mater. If they do have manual-a-la-gears cool, it means something for me to learn if I want, but would not the Xombitru  have told us about or at least confirmed about new add-ons, they played after all, which is more than I can say for some journos, as they only give it 10- 20 mins before they have to write about something else. Anyway Boot tell them to come to the site, I wanna know what bullshit is being made up... but i'll miss the horn. Let your friends and me give you headaches, sod the others, those headaches will go away with a cat fart, the stuff your friends give you, will require theropy, lol. You seem to met alot of people on the road as it were, and unlike like the real ones, if they urinate you off, take'm down and leave them in you dust, they arn't worth the pain to the ear drums.

Or am I to barking up the wrong tree, too, oops, have you got a headache again, as mine still here too. 

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

I like that one SUFFER! Bootleg man didnt you create this site an should we bow down to another Creator? lol

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

The lack of brakes etc was put on the Xbox.com Paradise forum, along with other tongue in cheek rumours, I think these were put up in response to threads complaining about the lack of a speed-o-meter. For the FACTS about Paradise listen to the Crash FM podcast or take a look at our Paradise pages. The other rumours are for humour only and not intended to be deceiving. Don't believe everything you read on the internet!

--- The Original and the Best ---

thephilofwar's picture

I love how Burnoutaholics members have been posting spam on the brand new Paradise thread to deceive others on xbox.com.  People go there seeking new info on Paradise, and they find false information from someone who thinks that they're being funny. Real nice.

Keep the spam to the Revenge forum, since that forum is already a mess, and I'll report it there and get it locked. Or spam here, and I'm sure Xandu will remove it.

In short, DON'T SPAM. I demand a public apology on xbox.com from those of you who have wrongfully created these rumors and spread them throughout the community; from what I've seen, chiefly hn6.


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

ZombieTron's picture

The Paradise forum was filled with spam before the rumours started, some posts were about Halo of all things?? anyway, as far as I read it, Frozen started the jokes about what has been removed from Paradise and hn6's post was a response to that. Personally I found it funny. Hopefully the arguments and flame wars of the Revenge forums will not find there way onto the Paradise forums.

When the demo comes out the forum should have more substance, but as the game is not out yet I don't see why people can't have a bit of fun with it. hn6's thread was obviously just for fun.

--- The Original and the Best ---

thephilofwar's picture

It wasn't made clear by the OP that it was a joke thread; I saw several people unfamiliar to Burnout on that forum who were disappointed by "the lack of a brake." Hn6 needs to make it clear that he was joking in order to prevent further misunderstandings!


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

ZombieTron's picture

hn6's thread was about removing the accelarator not the brake, Frozen's thread was about removing the brake.

hn6 used the term BS in his thread clearly indicating that the post was not true.

I agree that the humour within Frozen's post was a little more subtle, but had you clicked the link to BurnoutAholics.com within his thread you would have seen that it did not lead anywhere relating to there being no brake in Paradise.

If you have any issues with comments made on Xbox.com please report it at the Xbox forums where the moderators will take the appropriate action if they need to.

--- The Original and the Best ---

ZombieTron's picture

I was asked to Delete a comment and unitentionally deleted two. Apologies to Phil for deleting your last comment here, it wasn't intentional and due to me deleting the comment it was a response to.

I was tempted to delete this whole page, But I think everyone has got their point across.

Sorry again for the accidental deletion.

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

it is clear that some people lack a sence of humour, I could see from the start that hn6 is comment was ment as a joke and had a good chuckle..

.....When faced with my Demon's I clothe them and feed them and I smile as they are taking me over.......

BootlegGiant's picture

ho ho ho its true I fell for the brake's gag I feal shuch a noob and have gone red faced, but to be truthfull man, I try not to belive anything I hear about Paradise without hearing it from The King and Queen of the Realm of burnoutaholics first, those being Xandu and ZombieTron the only  two people whose information on Paradise I truly trust, if they said that it would be relesed on PS2 only I would buy one, As for the Manual Gears SUFFUR I thought it would be to ridicilous to belive and would be taken in the same jest as hn6 is comment, but alas you have proven me wrong and I say sorry from the bottom of my heart for making you have a red face like mine, As Nelson from The Simpsons would say Ha Ha.. ..

.....When faced with my Demon's I clothe them and feed them and I smile as they are taking me over.......

BootlegGiant's picture

No ichi there can only be one Creator and he is Xandu, I am simply known as the self proclaimed God of Burnout.. :-)

.....When faced with my Demon's I clothe them and feed them and I smile as they are taking me over.......

Xandu's picture

 Don’t believe everything you read on the forums. It is obvious that people are bored now and are just waiting to rip the Paradise disc out of its very stylish cover and insert it into its final destination… the Xbox 360. To me the whole discussion about the game having a speedometer or not just seems totally pointless. Wait until the demo is out and judge for yourself.

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-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --