
Just wanted to say good races to you all who went into Bootleg's Room.... Of course Im sure you all Burnoutaholics do that on a constant daily basis but I think that was only my second time being there and it was a fun room... More importantly I learned that Bootleg is a PIMP, took me down twice still, and young at the same time........at least this time no complaints were sent to Microsoft...... AND no, I honestly wasnt hitting on Zombie...............................(but i'll give you a wink anyways)...........LOL..........


If the "Creator" as you all refer to becomes jealous, you can revoke my membership at any time.....LOL....


ichienkai's picture

Nice one for the tips tonight dude - you have inspired a whole generation of old fogies  - just me then?! hehehehe  Cool to see a fresh outlook on Burnout at anytime.  Im sure Boot's takedowns were not intentional One (yeah whatever!) 

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Xedec's picture

i wish i could have been there and what is with people treating me like a kid im only 20  im no kid! i know some of you re much older then be and i respect that but pleaze dont treat me like a 9 year old kid!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

ZombieTron's picture

Sorry Sonic but I think you are the youngest amongst us. You are definatly the youngest regular poster to BurnoutAholics. Come on you other BurnoutAholic Babies get posting!!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Jinno Angelo's picture

So whos the 2nd youngest regular poster? and does Bootleg count as the oldest (Its ok, the majority of video game players are 25-45 years of age) regular poster on Burnoutaholics?

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

SUFFUR's picture

where we old farts may join you lol, yes good night in da house of das boot, got owned, timed out, came second, beat boot (feed back on its way, i assume, lol) , heard about how far its gone to get a lap times, they get new tires every race, it you push all the triggers in at the same time, at the start of the race, it all becomes so clear.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Suffur is the oldest and wisest amongst us  and I think thePhilofwar is slightly younger than Sonic at least if the dates of birth on profiles are true. But, that would make Kevlar the oldest at 107 years.  Its cool that so many of you have filled out your profiles, if you haven't already go fill it out and tell us about why you are a BurnoutAholic!

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

But we never talk about a ladies age, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

BootlegGiant's picture

Aint it all ways the same, When you are on form and race like a God none of your mates are there to see it, but when you race like a total noob and crash into every wall there is the whole of Burnoutaholics get to see it, frigin typical that, and yes SUFFUR I am kinda pissed that I got owned by a 205 but I was in a Go Kart (thats my excuse), right thats it or I wont have anything for my Blogg, laters loosers..

.....When faced with my Demon's I clothe them and feed them and I smile as they are taking me over.......

FrozenVapor's picture

I'm in high school...

Xedec's picture

hmm so im the youngest regular poster funny lol guess it works call me childish if you wish but no babie or youngin lol im going to be hosting a room in the morning around 10:30 or 11am Zombietrons time 2 am pacific time and eastern time 5 am so eat your wheaties and drink your dew! lol hope you guys join cant wait to race with the elderly!!! lol just messing around raelly cant wait to race you guys later!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

BootlegGiant's picture

Yo Sonic you can count me out as I have a silly thing that I do on saturdays called work, damn silly thing to do, ah well.

.....When faced with my Demon's I clothe them and feed them and I smile as they are taking me over.......

thephilofwar's picture

I'm younger than Sonic but older than Vapor. I'm not as regular of a poster anymore though.. I posted pretty frequently when my 360 was in disrepair.  I get a kick out of how serious some people take forums and such  People should really disregard most of my posts on xbox.com... lol


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

Xedec's picture

well boot i sadly too have to work but not saterday for it is my day off!!! maybe ill race you some other time then lol


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

SUFFUR's picture

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

BootlegGiant's picture

maybe you will, maybe you wont, lwts see what the computer says..............

.When faced with my Demon's I clothe them and feed them and I smile as they are taking me over.......