just another cool night in Bootsville

Dear  Bloggy

           How are you, I am fine, COD 4 finally reached my house yesterday and boy am I disappointed, the actual campaign is pretty easy all though I do die a lot (damn those nades) the graphics are nice on it you know the little touches like a mug of coffee on the table, playing it reminds me a lot of GRAW or Rainbow 6 with the same handling sort of thing, the weapons are pretty cool especially the sniper when you shoot someone in the knee caps and they try to drag themselves to cover so another pop in the arms before a final head-shot when you think they have suffered enough pain, my personal opinion of online is that it sucks big time it plays to much like COD 2 but I have been known to get it wrong a few times (SKATE springs to mind) however I have not given it a decent chance and will try  a little more, COD 3 was a good game online and I enjoyed it immensely from the very first game I had, I just don't get the same vibe with 4.

I also played a little Revenge last night with a couple of burnoutaholics and still managed to hold on to my take downs on Neo(your my biatch), however I did have to commit suicide a couple of times to stop him getting me, ah well its all fun, Sorry for not kicking anyone to let your chick in ichi, but it was a cool room and heck treat her mean and all that, if she dumps you for it dude dont worry I will console her.... I got 2 cracking accidental take-downs on SUFFUR (no idea how they just appeard) and then like a cruel twist of fate he rammed me into a wall (gutted) anyway good games to everyone who were blessed to join my room (yes you were blessed) I have a dirty habit of kicking people (its fun) but managed to control the urges last night  (damn hard that), also thanks for the info on the way you play revenge Neo all though my brain clouded over after a bit (sorry about that).

right I think thats about it, urm Oh hang on, nope its gone ok laters

     Kind Regards

      BootlegGiant aka The Pimp aka Burnout God  aka Clan Grrrrrrr leader


thephilofwar's picture

Your blogs are interesting, I enjoy reading them from time to time  You should consider some form of journalism, perhaps as a hobby even.

I'm getting CoD4 this weekend, played the beta last month and cannot wait to get my hands on the full game! If CoD4 came out the same time as Halo 3, I would have passed on Halo 3... no lie, the CoD4 beta was THAT good!


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