Adopting a noob?

We have all done it, i'll write about my noobs and the proper care they need to make them better racers. Names will be changed to protect the innocent. This is also ongoing and will update as a when.

Well, what is a noob: someone who has never played the game online before, has no achievements, or only offline achievements. This could also mean they are a Virgin to the game, and have never, been Taken-Down.

 I have not decided to write about my noobs, they are mine and i don't want to be critized, for bring up a great racer, though one noob i will say about was drunk, whom i taught the short cuts on Revenge on the Xbox, when it first came out, that was all i want say i did.

What is the warning sign for a noob, no gamer score, no ranking and asking the question, 'Whats a boost start and how is it done?' in a crying voice, that disappears behind you in the distance.

First  part of adoption, is explaining the Boost Start. If the gamer picks this up quick, its worth an adoption, because your onto a good'en, and no down side of them still complaining through out the race, that they can't do the boost start, not a good'en and sad as you may have to release them to the wide world of timeout, and forget that they ever came to the room.

Second part of the adoption, is explaining the short-cuts/ or showing them, by down-grading the car(slower speed) 205mph to 180 mph and they follow you around, picking up the turns and short-cuts for the quicker lap times. Then putting them back in the 209mph cars and they have improved thier times and not timing out (a frequent thing noobs do), though i still do it, which is sad for me but fun for others.

Third part of the adoption, is explaining the boost jump and hoping they can execute what is said and shown and gain speeds over 270mph ++.

Fourth part of the adoption, they keep up with you and even beat you in a race, and do it consistantly and at most training sessions.

Fifth part of adoption, is getting them to play other Burnout games and getting them a decent rank on all games.

Sixth Part of adoption is letting your adoptee go, knowing that they know the rules of a decent room, and letting them go into the Burnout World of games, knowing that they are now the competion, and that they host thier own great rooms, and would be fun to jump in and have a great time.

All the above  can be done in a time frame of less than a week, a few hours a day, and letting them play on thier own, and holding thier own against like ranked players. They need to play alot to get some consistant game play, i know i'm losing my touch, because i am playing other games these dayz, and i am making a lot of noob mistakes like crashing in to Blue flashing short cut lights and clipping obvious standard cross traffic, or usual traffic. Your noob is not a noob any more and has become a friend and fellow racer and should have now joined Burnoutaholics.



drunknnumpty's picture

all hail Suffur, master of the noob, must say his wisdom helped me become the burner i am today.. short cuts, boost drifting, boost jumping and the all important boost start.. he taught me well..

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

Nakard's picture

I played this dude on Revenge, and he taught me how to boost jump, and i thank you Suffur, for showing me the way, of a burner, and this site is cool man.
Part -time Burner.

Part -time Burner.

NitoLicious aka One Incognito's picture

I dont adopt noobs. I dont adopt anybody but it is cool though when you show and tell others what you know and they do it themselves. Too bad though, not all noobs are adoptable; especially those that figure out what to do after you tell them what to do and become ungrateful about it, call other racers names, and then drop Those I dont even call noobs; I call them Scrubs...

drunknnumpty's picture

lol.. this to me is very funny.. trying to work out if it is possible for this adoption to occur?? bit like never seeing clark kent and superman at the same time ;)

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

SUFFUR's picture

You were only a noob on Revenge, just like drunknnumpty, you knew most of the moves, anyway where you been, don't you play any more? Though Part-time Burner says alot. Its about time you got back online? Show some skills.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Burnoutelite have set up a Big Brother/Sister Program along the same kind of lines as Adopting a Noob.

Not sure if they saw it here first or if great minds just think alike or if Burnout has become so Noob Unfriendly that promoting being nicer to Noobs is as hot an issue as Global Warming.

Maybe we should hold a Live Noob Concert to raise awareness of Noob issues? Or get Ewan Macgregor and Charlie Boorman to Bike around Burnout tracks for Noobicef?? Or we could release a charity single "We are the Noobs" or "Let them know its Noob Play-Time"???

BootlegGiant's picture

if people are nice to me and dont call me a cheating, modder, etc. etc. I will share my knowlege of the game. Hey I will adopt you Lee as you are clearly a Noob or will be when you finally get back online

The Drugs dont work!! ----English is my second language, feal free to flame me----