Xbox Originals will not have Achievements!

Earlier this week I listened to the latest Major Nelson blogcast and there will be no achivements or additional functionality for the XBox Originals. It will be just like playing them from the original disc.


ZombieTron's picture

Achievements are fun, but how important are they really? If Burnout Paradise didn't have achievements would it make it less fun for you?? From what Sonic says it might make it more FUN, PS3 players will probably get 100% completion before 360 burners as they do not have to get 1000/1000 to complete the game!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Xedec's picture

yeah i dont really think achievements are important lol i just play the games i like lol but if on burnout you get a secret car for doing all the achievements then sure ill do it for that reason only other then that ill be playing ps3 version more then 360 but ill race with friends on 360 of course!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

Xandu's picture

The achievements does not matter at all. But if they unlock stuff in the game (like in Halo 3) that can be a really good motivation for hunting the achievements down. Also I find that when you get close to 1000 points in a game that is motivating as well. If you have 950 points I like to get the remaining points to get 1000/1000

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

thephilofwar's picture

Look at Call of Duty 4; there are no MP achievements, yet it is "one of the deepest online MP games ever" (IGN), and 770,000+ people have played it within the first week of its release. Achievements aren't essential for a game to be fun.


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


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