The official Burnout Paradise Box Art


New official box art for Burnout Paradise has now been released. It looks very stylish and modern. It kind of says Welcome to Paradise. Come play!

Check it out below. You can see the PS3 version box art here. What do you think about them?

Burnout Paradise Box Art XBox 360


Big Red J's picture

just makes me want it more!!!

BootlegGiant's picture

I like the art work with the car and that, but I am not to keen on the choice of Font for Paradise it dosent look right to me, but who looks at the case anyway as soon as the disk is in the 360 it never comes out



----No1 baby, you know it!!!----

Xedec's picture

love the art work but bootleg is right about the paradise writing! and he is also right about it never comeing out of my 360 same with the ps3 hell yeah!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

hn6's picture

I know this is everywhere at the moment, including the end of the gamespot trailer, but is it actually on any of the official sites? I've checked Criterion, EA page (including press download area) and can't find the announcement or image.

Probably nothing, just seems a bit weird that the official sites are still showing old style.

50 Hurtz

ZombieTron's picture

We only put it up on after getting a link to the picture from Criterion Games.  

--- The Original and the Best ---

thephilofwar's picture

I love it, I think it's arguably the best box art that any racing game has featured--EVER. Very stylish, hope they don't change it!


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

ZombieTron's picture

I really like it too, especially how the car is stopped at traffic lights heading into Paradise City. It really gives a good idea of what the game is like, and it looks cool!

--- The Original and the Best ---

tizerist's picture

i dont normally like minimalistic, post-modern type game covers, but knowing whats going to be actually inside the box blows all those feelings away.

cannot wait. even though i dont have a ps3 and wont have for a good while yet...

ZombieTron's picture

The Paradise Box Art is now available as wallpaper for your desktop.

Pack Art Wallpaper

--- The Original and the Best ---