I.C.E & I'm A Celebrity Get Me One Of These!

How do i start on this little blog?! Well there are gonna be heaps of pictures because there is no other way to do the second bit, i will try to make them as small as poss.

When i started this blog i had  really no direction but a couple of ideas like.... yeah that would be cool for the letter B and this would be good for K sort of thing.  I'm really glad i didnt do it in one hit - that would be horrible to have to read and i didnt think i'd make some of them longer than others - seems to be all spur of the moment at the mo. I personally dont do any of this for addiction points!  Even small comments on other's blogs are not for points - my tag lamerscore is 6500 and i liked drunks comment about him keeping games he doesnt really enjoy just for his friends, thats cool - wish id have  done that!

I seriously hope the second part of this doesnt offend anyone on this website - its just for laughs and i had a chuckle thinking about it - in a way i hope my damn pc crashes at the end and it goes away and i'll come back with I is for "Im A Complete Noob & Im Too Tight To Buy A Decent Computer"!!

I.C.E stands for In Case of Emergency

K Foxy told me a few week ago about an email that was circulating - from a source like the Paramedics or Emergency call out teams - had i seen it? Heard a little bit about it somewhere in the recent past but had forgotton.  The mail told a short story about a serious RTA and Mr & Mrs Smith travelling in a car are seriously hurt and Paramedics predict they have an hour to live - so they go through their mobile phones hoping to find a family member like the obvious "Mum" "Dad" "Uncle Bob" but couldnt find one - Basically these people died without saying goodbye to their loved ones. 

So this email was asking people to have an ICE contact number in their mobile phones in case - god forbid - of an RTA.... I think its a great idea and would work very well for these life savers though it would be horrid to be on the receiving end of such a phone call.  Thank you Foxy for the idea of adding that particular "I" to this one.  Maybe you wont actually thank ME Foxy for whats coming next though because you are in it too!

Damn im so deleted by all members of this site that are on my friends list! Here goes nothing.

Im A Celebrity............!

There has been a little talk of movies in here recently which got me remembering Bikes in movies - there are the bit part ones like Meat Loaf riding in The Rocky Horror Show or the bike that bursts through the doors in the guys house in Weird Science! 

The Mad Max rat bikes - Bruce Willis was pictured riding a Triumph Bonneville during Die Hard 4.0 but i dont recall seeing it the film?? We then got the classics like The Wild Ones and the Great Escape... that one deserves its scene here....

For me wow i remember Tom Cruise's Kawasaki GPZ in Top Gun  cruising along next to the air strip with his hair blowing in the wind - jesus how gay do i sound right now hahahaha first cats on youtube then Tom Cruise's hair???? This pc had better disconnect before im done..... bollocks!

Here's the bike anyway

Cant forget Arnie in Terminator 2 jumping down a 25 foot drop on his Hog chasing the kid on a put-put: Or the Y2K Turbine at end of the movie Torque (ridiculous scenes man) - there are loads that ive forgotton about now im here bloggin but this isnt about Celebs really: its about you guys and thats why deletion will follow!

I had this silly notion this morning and i dont know where it came from but i started to imagine a place where transport other than bikes wasnt needed.  Like we all had The Fly like Transporter pods to transport heavy goods and stuff so we wouldnt need cars or heavy good vehicles - ok this is futuristic bollocks but i wanted to restrict everyone to two wheels just for pleasue riding! Then i go, well that idea could tie in with the next one hahaha because Zandu and Zombie for one are like mini celebs in their own way because of Burnout and the Podcasts and their website.

Is this makin sense? Probably not.  But imagine if you were restricted to two wheels because there was no other form of transport:  What bikes would i imagine you guys (the most active members on this website) would ride?  So im givin each of you a bike of my choice which i think is befitting of my perception of you! (Deleted - I Know)

Lets start with the Creators:

Xandu gets something rather exotic to me coz of his location and cool accent - though these bikes are very popular in the UK now, they are always test ridden in the mountains of Austria which is the most pictuesque of locations - For you Xandu a KTM SuperDuke R:

How cool is that dude?

ZombieTron..... a difficult choice....!  Zom's a lot of fun to race with so it had to be a fun motorcycle - still which bikes could be considered fun?

Aw when i put this on here i thought WTF you noob but its staying no seriously you can have the 690 KTM so you can ride with Xan:

Ugly exhausts but as exotic as Xandu's i think...!

Now Suffer, Drunk's and HN6' i'm gonna struggle with coz they are all smart cookies but a bit cuckoo at the same time - maybe brains are on par with madness?

Suf i give you the Enertia Electric!

Does the colour suit you dude? Economical, friendly, maintenance free! You hate me dont you? hahahahaha

Drunk i dont think you care what people think about you and what you ride so this ones for you!

 I envy you!

Hn6 well you are damned chilled out so it has to be something with no effort with much capacity for friends... like the hair by the way


We have been talking about a particular subject with Mr Yuck F00 Too whilst we race recently and the words Miami Vice have sprung to mind so you can have Chip's Motorcycle but before i do that you are gonna get this one sorry!!!!!

Hahahaha couldnt resist - apologies to everyone else who doesnt get that -  here's your bike Mr Foo:

Ok Now Eezo the Burnout pimp - dude this one is just the bike for you - i know you can handle it..... The Y2K!

Fastest bike in the world i think Eezo - big respect.   Sorry about before Mr Foo - still love you man hahahaha

Where we up to? FoxyMoxy26! Has to be something sleek, sexy, desirable mmm when we are older we could have matching leathers, matching lids and matching bikes (and matching stupidity levels if we EVER do that!)

Suzuki GSXR750K absolutely gorgeous!

On the subject of Eezo actually One Incognito has to be next as they are buddies:

One you really thought you was gonna get an engine???? No way Neo! Im  sure your lap times will be just fine on this hahaha

Kevar we havnt really met or raced but im gonna go with my instinct and give you this one dude!!!

Who does this leave ahhhh Bootleg..... Boot man first i know you have the leather tassles on your leather biker jacket and these babies on this your motorcycle:

I love the leather accessories man, the tassles on the handlebars, the tassles on the leather saddlebags, dude you are a modern day cowboy but hell your gonna need to be when your down your favorite watering hole the Blue Oyster Bar  with favorite drinkin buddy Glenn:

Ahh good times good times.

Well i dont know what the hell ive done with this one but i sincerely hope no-one was offended with this, its just for fun,  i did watch The Crow in its entirety as i did this so i wasnt paying absolute attention. 

Oh and apologies to anyone i missed out of the selection and apologies again to those who are in it i guess


BootlegGiant's picture

easily offended and just as easily deleted  would have prefferd a CBR 600s, ah well Wild Hog's it is then, yeah man the ICE thingy is a good idea and maybe its time I removed the gamertags and replaced them with the proper names of people as that paramedic wont know wtf is going on when he reads through my address book.

one more point for me

hn6's picture

Thanks dude, was like looking in a mirror

Unfortunately when I used to ride a motorbike it was more like the one you gave Kevlar.


50 Hurtz

SUFFUR's picture

I would not need to stop for petrol, be to far behind to be taken down, and your all busy putting in your I.C.E numbers, that you crash, so i would win, yes, and help save the enviourment, like your corpes, decomposing, to help trees grow, lol. Good read though, ich, but a Kawisaki Ninja would be a choice, or maybe a Goldwing, or a CBR 600? But my electro mobile would be cool, a bicycle would be better, as it's what i rode around in the 'Pore, known as the red flash, due to and orange back pack, and skipping through red lights, while my car driving and driven buddies had to stop, and always beat them to school, bar, or friends house, lol. And Kev's one does look like a dog would eat it, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Thanks everyone for likin your rides!  But i did miss an important member's motorcycle and his was always at the forefront of my mind when i wrote that stuff.... Mr Sonic STX!  Dude as you are Mexicano (never been there but maybe there really are tumbleweeds blowing across dusty roads in town? Dunno?!) i just pictured you rolling around town on your mean motorcycle.  Please dont smoke around it though.....

How fun would it be to ride that bike?

---The Way You Are--- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7_GjdJmrWQ&feature=related

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

oO EezO Oo's picture

Hahaha nice write up Ichi and thanks for the bike dude!   I don't know tho man, I'm imagining what it would sound like firing that Y2K up for the first time...  There would be police sirens going off before I even get to sit on that thing.  Officer would be like "Son, you weren't really thinking about taking that on a public street were you?"  -or-  The ambulance / meat wagon would be following me around everywhere, with spatulas in hand, ready to scrape me off the freeway LOL.

I can't believe you still gave Cog that bike...  Thats so unfair man...  It still has two wheels!   How are we ever going to be able to catch up to him?  You should have at least evened out the playing field and gave him a unicycle man! 

Oooooh yeah - And Xandus bike or Foxys are my favorites out of the bunch.  I've always been a sucker for naked bikes man,  I've been dreaming about hopping on a Ducati Monster for years, ever since I first laid eyes on em I've always wanted one.  And ye ol' Jixxer 750 is a sweet bike man, happy medium.  If I could talk myself into thinking that I don't need I.C.E. numbers in my wallet I could talk myself into getting back on...    Nice write up man.

I dunno if these will come across but I was looking for that huge monstrouse contraption some dude name 'road dog' (i think) mad in like the 50's.  The thing was like 35 feet long and he had hydraulic lifters aimed at the ground to keep the thing upright when parked,  weighed in at like 1.5 tons or something.  Couldn't find the picture but I came across these....





Suhweet!  I figured it out, thanks Ichi!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


SUFFUR's picture

Some people type to fast and thought maybe Eezo, did, lol. "I've always been a sucker for naked man bikes ,  I've been dreaming... " Sorry dude, it struck a funny cord, or maybe i want a naked man bike too. lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

oO EezO Oo's picture

No way? is that what I typed? I just checked and I think its in the right order?  'Naked bike' like the ones that don't have fairings?  Thats what I was going for...  It looks right.  I do tyoe pretty fast and I very rarely actually go back and check what falls out of the keyboard, or spell check very often for that matter... keeps it more organic I guess.  I wonder if maybe do you use a translator of some kind?  I've played around with some translators before trying to figure out what some of the mottos that Boot puts out here and it seems like they super-impose words sometimes.  Funny that it might have done those two though LOL.  Um, just to clear the record....  I really did mean "naked bike" LOL but that is pretty funny now that you brought it up haha.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!