Burnout 2 Completed

Last night I sat down and completed Burnout 2: Point of Impact on the XBox 360. I got my favourite car the Super Car and can now start going for race times. Only total race time is uploaded to the leaderboards not the lap times. Xandu has never been on the Burnout 2 leaderboards since I didn't have XBox live when the game was first released. I got a new xbox when I got Xbox live so all my previous records are gone.

Burnout 2 Point of Impact Screen shot

When playing through the game I noticed the same things as SUFFUR. Snow and rain makes the game slow down... feels like slow-motion . The sun and moon on some tracks can be seen as a rectangle. Looks like the texture is missing or the object is pointing the wrong way. Guess this will be fixed in a future patch. None of these things really affects game play much... It is not nearly as annoying as the purple haze in Burnout 3 Takedown.

Burnout 2 Point of Impact Screen shot

Maybe we should have a little competition? Who can get the best race time (3 laps) on Big Surf Shores (Forward) in the car of your choice. Post you times here...  There will be no prize it is just for fun.  I will probably have a go at it this afternoon.

Burnout 2 Point of Impact Screen shot


SUFFUR's picture

But got some stuff to do, 2day, but I'll give it ago 2morrow, but have not unlocked my super car, not that i use it, but like Revenge, driving in the best car can give you just that better time.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xandu's picture

I did a couple of races on Big Surf Shores today.I was a little bit rusty at first but after 4-5 tries and got the record below. This is ranked 62 in the world. I know I can do it about 6-8 seconds faster since my fastest lap from the old days is around 1:37.

Track record on Big Surf Shores for Xandu

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

Xedec's picture

i just put in burnout 2 and my xbox wont play it so unfare i got online at my friends house to get the updat and then i just got home and burnout 2 wont play im in tears now!!! what should i do??


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

Xandu's picture

Did you actually play the game at your friends house? If it worked there it should also work without an internet connection.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

BootlegGiant's picture

did you update your Xbox or foolishly the Disk

one more point for me

Xedec's picture

i got online and got the update i went home and burnout 2 wont work still!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)