Xbox Live, Electronic Arts and 360

is anyone else having problems with the EA servers and Xbox dashboard, I get kicked out of lobby's on a regular basis, the message reads This game cannot be played at this time, I can usually re join the lobby straight away but its a bit of a bummer mid conversation EA suck, also my dashboard freeze's when I am in my friends list it cant be my 360 as I am on my third so I am going to guess it has something to do with the uber cool update that allows me to laugh at the people who have only 1 or 2 friends on their list, I also get kicked out of other EA games, but have no problem with Halo 3.

The Xbox mark 1 was so much simpler, I never had these problems well apart from with EA and Takedown

ZombieTron's picture

There are rumbles on the Xbox forums that EA servers are down. The dash has been a bit slow for me since the update too. hopefully it will sort itself out.

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture


hn6's picture



50 Hurtz

BootlegGiant's picture

sorry I was trying something, but could not get it to work and then I could not delete my entery abd so  yeah sorry about that ;-)

ichienkai's friends list is full of noobs

ichienkai's picture

Laugh My AbsoluteF*****HairyArseOff.... Mint

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

Edit --- Swearing is forbidden! Stick to the rules Ichi!! --- ZombieTron

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

dude swearing is forbiden, I am sure it says so some where.

ichienkai's friends list is full of noobs