XBOX 360 Fall Update

The full feature list for the XBox 360 Fall update has now been released by Microsoft.

Here are the links:
2007 Fall Dashboard Update
2007 Fall Dashboard Update Full Feature List

The update will be available from 04-12-2007.

One of the most important things to me is that they have added support for divx video files. I'm not yey sure what the limitations will be but I guess only some codecs will be supported.

Also there is the FOF (friends of friends) feature which to me seems like a lot of bollocks. It can be disabled here (although it does not seem to work at the moment).


BootlegGiant's picture

wow I cant wait for this update, and whats up Xan you hiding someone in that list of yours or are you simple afraid that people will see that you only have 5 buddy's on xbox live.... J/K lol

one more point for me

BootlegGiant's picture

I love the new update all though it has made my 360 a little laggy but I am sure it will clear up in a few days, I have noticed a couple of my shy friends locking up their buddy list no idea why (damn you ichi) I have left my list open to anyone that is on my buddy list as i could see a problem by allowing everone to see it such as pissing someone off and them spaming your friends with nasty slanderous messages, (ichi your a pussy) I am not keen on Acey Bongo being in my xbox, will I have to feed him? The Bio is a great way to slag off friends or leave links to great sites or just post a bunch of stuff about nothing it also has no swear filters at the moment (unlucky McT) , so yeah thats all I have looked at so far, Oh and if you are lucky enough to be on my list but do not want my other friends to know it I suggest you delete me now, No feed back will be left on your account maybe a biatchy Bio who knows, ok got to dash, haha like the pun, never mind will explain it later got to go, oh hang on your not Bloggy

one more point for me

Xedec's picture

hey dude add me mad i dont mind haha


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)