Xandu’s Demo experience


I’ve been playing this demo for a good 15 hours now and I think I’m ready to do a little write up.
The demo contains 1 Stunt Run Event, 1 Race Event and 1 Burning Route. When doing online freeburn there is a total of 22 online challenges. As far as I know only 9 of these are currently available but hopefully the remaining 13 will be unlocked at a later time.
My Paradise City Learner Permit
You start off in the Hunter Cavalry which is one of the slowest cars in the game. It is a stunt car and the stats for the car are as follows: Speed: 2, Strength: 5, Boost: 1. This is a medium strength car. I have had some really good fights with SUFFUR doing our infamous races on the I88. Takedowns are not easy when you are actually racing and it kind of reminds me of the takedown physics in Burnout 3: Takedown. When you are just messing about in free burn it seems that who ever has the most speed at impact gets the takedown. This even applies when both drivers a doing like 5mph… those takedowns seems a little bit bollocks to me…
This morning I’ve mostly been doing Stunt Run and after a couple of attempts I got my multiplier up to 15 and my total score was around 600000. A Stunt Run can go on for ever as long as you don’t crash and you keep your multiplier. Keep boosting, smash billboards and do all kinds of cool jumps. My personal favourite is the combined barrel roll/flat spin. It looks amazingly cool!
Last night we had a lot of fun racing around in the train yard outside “Paradise City Central Station” on 4th street. In that area there are some really cool jumps including a super jump. I did a 330 degree flat spin of it landing on the roof of the “Perfect Color Paintshop“ then bouncing back down on the road.
I’m just having so much fun with this demo and I really cannot understand why people don’t like it. Yes, it would be cool if it had an online race event. I see this demo as a sandbox where you can kind of get a feel of the open world experience and just dick around with your friends. Remember this is just a small part of Paradise City and a small part of the full game.



hn6's picture

I really like the ramp onto the paint shop its beautiful for flatspins. You can do a flatspin and barrel at the same time? (man, and I thought I was doing well with a double barrel roll). I found that you can get a good multiplyer going if you can flat spin onto a fence - it just keeps going, I'm averaging about 100,000 but got a very jammy 857,000 Yesterday with this glitch. Of the challenges so far I like the 4 player "hot tin roof" the best, there's something cool about racing to the dot and jumping to that roof.


50 Hurtz

Irongrid's picture

Daley's Donuts are yummy! Go try some in their shop at E. Crawford Drive. My favourite is their Choco jam donuts.. mmmm!

Xandu's picture

Cool! That is just across the street from the Ocean View Hotel where I am staying.  I will go get one right now!

The Ocean View Hotel is a good hotel but the noise from the nearby building sites can be a bit annoying-... but the view from my room is just amazing!

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

SUFFUR's picture

I thought people were medicated on those, though split personalities, really love them. But the significants, of a donut shop, Xan?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

It made me laugh tho!! haha, nice one Xan, how about sharing a box of those donuts with me?  

Your staying at the hotel huh? whats the room service like?

--Warning: The Paradise Demo can cause delussions--

--- The Original and the Best ---

Josh_C's picture

Im interested to see how big people have actually been abe to achieve. I was playn yesterday and i got an 8,327yrd  drift and a 15.37 sec air time (I have pics but cant figure how to put them on  im new )  I also got a 440 flat spin but that's not that amazing.


If I had a Signature this is where it would be...

ZombieTron's picture

Sounds pretty good to me! I cant get over 100 and something!!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Xandu's picture

Welcome to the site.
15 seconds of airtime is quite good in the Hunter Cavalry. If you want the pic posted you can mail it to admin@burnoutaholics.com. Make sure that it is less than 256 Kb.
As for drift that is not something that really matters as you can potentially get this as high as you want. If you have a piece of duck tape and lots of time you could just let the car drift on its own over the night or something
You can put your stats into the "My license points" in your user profile.

A 440 flatspin is ok. My record is  575 so far... I know I can do better

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --