Someone Is Gonna Pay For This: Verticalled Or Otherwise

Who Who Wtf brought Holidays into my world?  Due to extenuating circumstances (Got a dictionary for Christmas) i havnt been able to get anywhere near a PC or my 360 and i am not happy.  All i wanna do is Burn Rubber with my friends, strangers will do, parrots, donkeys, crocs, mannaquins (dictionary working?)  chickens, hotpots, prostitutes, curtains, frying pans ... anyone or thing with a 360 controller and a copy of REVENGE will do.  I wanna talk about bikes goddamit - J is long overdue - maybe it will be "Bootleg JUST for yoooou homo" i dunno just fed up of sleepless nights, bad diets, alcohol (yup finally said it) and yes Holidays! The forums everywhere are dormant - The blogs here are V quiet since i logged on.... lets bring some fire back to these places before Paradise consumes us all? 

How has everyone been by the way? Good times? Sad Times? Family Fueds?? Christmas has it all... well thats all the time i have... the 50p in the PC meter is running on and i'm being called back to my festive holidays ho hum!  I hope to see my friends in the new year if not before!  Missed you all and missed everyone new experience ive missed - the ring of death wa nothing in comparison to my "Holidays" Happy Holidays!



BootlegGiant's picture

dude my Holiday is far from over, lets see hmm back in on Monday then off again and back in Friday and then back to normall the following week, dude when you get back things have changed I no longer race Sprints and preffer to do the old endurance race in a Platronic, I played Revenge until 2:30am last night this morning whatever, damn I'm tired now, I sit next to my PC but have not switched it on until today, oh yeah are you going to stop smoking this year??

ichienkai's friends list is full of noobs