Welcome to Paradise


We've just had 20000 unique hits! To celebrate here is a slideshow of some screenshots from Burnout Paradise. Look forward to racing with you on the 25th of January. Enjoy!



SUFFUR's picture

Nice one Xandu, something to listen too, while I wait for some new news you can steal off me, lol.

Being playing online, with an open room and people are still just smashing into each other, and not even trying to do the Daily Scores, so I'm getting 8 top scores, which is nice, will be doing the 8 thing 2morrow.

Care to join moi, Head Liner stealer, I want a another front pager, lol.

Also great to refresh the page on, oh and congradulations for the Unique hit stuff.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?