The ZombieTron is a toy!


Check out this really cool creation. I think I need to get my lego down from the attic and start building.... maybe a sluffer or a numpty?

For some other really cool LEGO creations check out:


ZombieTron's picture

"ZombieTron, the undead scourge of the galaxy spreading fear and a culinary predilection for sweetbreads wherever they roam! The more ships they attack the more zombies they can make, the more zombies they can make the greater the demand for brains! "

I love this find Xandu! Lego Rules!!

With this and the other ZombieTron picture you found I have come to the conclusion that my GamerTag is the coolest of them all!

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

oh dear, oh dear is this a horibble coinsidence Xandu or is it Xanadu are you a closet Olivia Newton fan or simply been delt the cruel hand of fate that your gamertag is one letter short of this cheesy song 

ZombieTron's picture

There are a couple of cool Xandu things too.

Xandu is a nemesis of Spiderman, which is kinda cool, but I think our Xandu would prefer this link!

I still think my GamerTag has more cool stuff named after it!!

--- The Original and the Best ---