Bill's Key Note Speech, from CES.

CES, Consumer Electronics Show.

Bill Gates does his last show, as he is retiring as it were, he has done a few of these, over the last 14 years or so. 

He did some speil, but not with a Glock Kev, and then showed a video.

Funny, video of his last day at work in June, hope someone youtubes it. As it was funny in a Bill Gates type of way. Lots of Cameo's in there. 

The stuff covered, Vista, selling 100 million Licenses, over 10 million users on Xbox Live, 6 month before projections, so we now know why Live is a mess at the mo'.

The Making and moving of over 17.7 million 360's, to stores so far, some have sold, lol. Connectivity, with Phones, PC, TV's, 360's, Zune etc, and how most of it can be done with one Live ID.

Zune social, shown off, was quite interseting, seeing what people like for music.

You can buy a Xbox 360 from BT, and use their Tv on demand service, and record Tv for laters.

ABC (Lost etc) and Disney (Hanna Montana, Bill Ray's Daughter by the way) now has stuff for Market place, America to get it first, then maybe the rest of the world of Live.

A Talk and See interface with your mobile Windows phone to order movie tickets etc, and connectivity in your car, for Zune and Phone, as well as an auto phone to 911 when your Airbag deploys. In Ford Cars by the way, maybe more companies to follow.

SilverLight was pushed forward, with NBC using it for the 08-08-08 Olymic Games in Bejing, with web coverage of all events, you chose what to watch and when.

MediaRoom now has 1 million 'screens', its like an on-demand service from MS.

Bill then use's Surface to build and cutomise his Snow Board, which looked cool. Nice piece of kit, want one, but I assume not cheap yet. But have seen it before.

The end of the show showed off a proto-type of a phone (size of a light weight brick) that had a camera that when pointed at a person or place of interest (building, a picture on the back of the stage) would bring up all of it's or thier details, which you could sift through, it was cool. Point it at a resturant, then from there, make reservation, see the wine list etc. And had 3D mapping support to take you to the place you wanted to go. Was a very cool device, want one.

Then ended with a bet over GHIII, Slash, stepping up to play for Bill, in  GH3 against the winner of GH3 competition,TipperQueen, aka Kelly Law-Yone stepping in for Robbie Bach, she was good, Slash was better, though his was a real guitar, lol.

Nothing said about the 360 advancements/add on's, HDDVD vs Blu-ray, or Live problems, but business seems to be good at MS, going by figures, $3.6 billion made on the 360 and extras, so that is 1/2 the investment back? As it cost, so I heard a year or so back, $6 billion to create Xbox and beyond. Sounds like a lot of money for a set-top gaming box, lol.

But this is only the begining of CES, so maybe some more stuff to come up, did cover the basics, if you need more, will try and find a link when it's edited together.

Night or Morning, it's all in a day. So Good Day to you.

BootlegGiant's picture

well be it a first for me, I have read it all and like it, I fancy the Zune player, oh and have a gander at This it might be old but it is funny as conspiracy (eek) theory's go

to be continued.........

Flamechu's picture

I really hope this is put on the Marketplace. It was so flipping funny. It was even funnier for me because my friends across the pond woke up to watch this, expecting big 360 news. Not only was there none, one of them absolutely DESPISES Guitar Hero, and it was just to funny.

SUFFUR's picture

Hope you enjoy, it was funny,

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

BootlegGiant's picture

its nice to see that even someone off Bill's status can take the mickey out of them self's and not be so far up them selfs.

to be continued.........

SUFFUR's picture Sows the ending with Preesidential Runners, I think, Hilary is running?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?