Who dosent have Halo 3

I played Halo 3 last night and out of 33 people online I think there was about 5 not playing it, come on buy it, you know you want it, buy it, buy it, ok said my peace, but seriously why do you not have it ??

ZombieTron's picture

I picked it up in my lunch break yesterday but haven't played it yet! Xandu didn't receive his pre-ordered copy yesterday haha! But, we will probably both have a go tonight.

Phobes's picture

i do own it, but ive been having much more fun playing "Skate." that games just the shizzle

oO EezO Oo's picture

Skate is way fun for sure.  I was trying to talk Boot into picking it up but I don't think he liked it too much.  After a little bit it all just 'clicks' and the whole game opens up.  I absolutely love that game.  Trying to get some more online sessions going.  I got the Netternet in on it too.

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


legoliveson's picture

because my computer is about as good at playing games as a brick

Flamechu's picture

Are you serious?


legoliveson's picture

lol even if my pc could run it i'd get better games

Flamechu's picture

You DO realize that it's on OTHER gaming platforms!? As in, it wasn't ORIGINALLY on the PC!??!??!?!?!?!/1