My custom made burnout song!

hey guys ive been gone for a while but im back and i just finished the last song for my burnout soundtrack. so i desided to make the last song!! here is the link STX SONG

i hope you guys like it leave feed back on it let me know what you think took me a few hours to make the song but i think its desent for now i will still keep working on the tell i get it perfect!!any yeah g;ad to be back on the site!!


ichienkai's picture

I don't know how much you are into your Music Sonic but i showed this (I'm 80's child dude - hate any sort of dance stuff) to a cool kid i worked with and he liked it man, he got some beat from it but i got something else from it like from someone who plays but is too wrecked to remember how to remember how to read music... just feels? Good goin man, stick with it

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Xedec's picture

lol yeah im working on another one going to sound more rock haha and a littles 80's funk!



The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)