Bored Bloggy and damn this point loosing for editing lark

this is what i do when bored at work

the mould is done in mirror so as the end product is the right way around, you can see in the picture the mould is differant colour the dark area is were the slate broke under the heat, the design is of the Welsh Dragon and is designed on a computer and sand blasted on to the slate

this one did not work as I used the same mould twice, but you can see the beautifull colour of the lead prior to it tarnishing to a dark grey colour

this one worked and is the end product

tommorrow I am going to try Aliminium as that to has a low mealting point


ichienkai's picture

Is a little blurred man but despite that the pics are good -I  like the final thing and why is the Dragon significant to you guys:  rather ask you than Google?

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

the middle one is upside down dude (stupid mobile phone), I dunno man I think its has something to do with it being on our flag but I am not sure. oh and the reason our dragon is red is because its the blood of the english dragon (yeah our dragon owns your's)

to be continued.........