oh hey blogster

Hey Blogs, numero uno is backo in towno, I am so bored with Revenge, I am so bored with people sending me invites to Burnout 3, (1200 is criminal) and I am so bored with Revenge, dang said that all ready, bloggy I don't know what to say, I don't want to mention that I played Halo last night and got the Zombie syndrom, dude do you know how many hours I put into H2 this is not right,  I was fine on COD 4 just Halo, ah well I suppose its just another excuse for me not to play it, blah blah blah urm erm er ur, dude I have nothing for you, Oh I know EZO you look like your skate charecter you geek and if Netters look's like hers then that would make you a homo, you homo geek, Yuck has had to change his tag as he was not clever enough for Mr Xbox, ichi is a noob as he spelt his other tag with a capital I which makes it look like Lchi (noobo) right thats it nothing, nothing at all to say, can't think of anything, oh yeah nope its gone laters dude...


ichienkai's picture

Man you have been bored of Revenge for like a decade haha  You are the guy who talked me round when i showed symptons of said boredness and i'm grateful you did.  I'm meeting new people all the damn time now there is hardly any player matches online.  Having said that i don't believe anybody plays this game as much as they once might have?  Played in chuphil's room last night after you had gone dude and we had a right old giggle - maybe i shouldn't have been talking about the preference of the size of a womans bottom in his room but hey the heavy metal chick racin with us joined in too adding her own (wtf).... And i just remembered that cool song of the Iron Maiden Killers album we were talking about:  Strange World.  And what is the Easyrider thing Bootleg?  Is it travelling 125miles on a motorcycle with the Guitar Hero plastic guitar strapped to my back? You are just jealous man lol   

 --Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

oO EezO Oo's picture

I can't really go into to many details right now as I haven't sorted them all out yet.  I've been bouncing an idea around a little bit about another interesting way to enjoy Burnout Revenge (no, not a tournament, don't fret).  I think Cog has a general idea of how its going to work but like I said, still sorting it all out.  As soon as the Jell-O works together a little bit more I'll post it out here.  It should be fun and should be good for new-comers to the community as well as long time Burners.  

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


BootlegGiant's picture

I tried a little Road Rage last night (friging boring man) and went for the Xbox Car (hey I like it) the dude on my team had the Nixon (why?) and the guy's on the other team had the Tank and were playing hide and seek which I find realy boring, I always thought as Revenge being built for speed not hiding in corners it just bores me when you have to wait for the other team and they hide behind the red wall so yeah I quit , joined a new room and got called a glitcher and being in a talkative mood took it on the chin and I also got to urm teach someone a short cut that they did not know of (that hard right on the european maps the one ichi never told me about, thanx bud), I also got persuaded to play a little Halo with the old gang which was fun (they are all level 30+ and I am a 9 so yeah the games were hard)  and I ended up running around the maps talking to my self as you have to press the d-pad to talk to your team.

Hey Ezo you better not be thinking of Crash you homo geek as you will be playing that on your own, I was looking at someones film clip and they were racing in a SUV it could have been Road Rage but it was still a SUV, can you race in SUV???? Hey EZO you homo geek how about a SUV race

to be continued.........

SUFFUR's picture

On Burnout 3 and Revenge, and hopfully Paradise, the object of Road Rage is to keep moving and never stopping.

Taking your finger off the boost is ok, tapping the brake is cool too, to avoid the takedown, but stopping to a full stop and hidding, not really cool.

In Paradise it may be a different matter, hidding in carparks etc, may happen, so people will be stopping to hide, as the roads are open, but then again why stop, the roads are all open, just keep racing off in the distance, maybe do a couple of stunts while you do it, don't know? Maybe a 'Show Time' as you wait, for those 'Reds' to catch up, lol.

But normally the job of a 'Blue Player' is to run, and the 'Red Player' is to chase, in Paradise there may be multi team Road Rage, so which team survives would be cool but is there a point in the game that says you made it, a place called 'Home' like in kids games, don't really know as yet? But the 'Blue Player' use's traffic, short cuts, and daring to get away from those pesky  'Red Players' who have boost. 

Not to hide, like scaredy cats, lol. See that is where that term may have come from, cats are scared of loud noises, and a challege, to run with no given boost. Which is earned by driving like a nutter. But then again, cats are good for pouncing on moving targets, so well will see? Oh, as well as crapping on someone else's lawn; to all cat owners everywhere, when they get an knock on the door and the nieghbour has a dead cat in their hands, and saying it got run over, the fact that its wet and it's not raining, means it died before a car ever got to it, bastards!

I think Paradise is going to bring Road Rage a new play ground of nutty driving, and some crazy escapes, and the 'Red Players' are going to have to bring their game, as there is no set route. A 'Blue' on the run, has so many ways to get away, that, to get taken down will take skills and knowlege of Paradise's roads. It would be cool if psyc-outs are in the game, as they will be needed, as well as the usual, verticals. A month down the line, flat spin and barrel roll vert' take downs are going to become the 'rub it in' take down, which I will be looking forward too. Though knowing me, it will happen on in my first event, lol.


On another note, played some people on Revenge, and BO3 yesterday, did well on Revenge, till the last race, and on BO3, got owed by Segaswirl again, he could have easliy timed us all out, as he was 40 seconds ahead of the pack or maybe more. But at least i finished with the rest of the pack, all in their World Curcuit racers, me in me Tuned Super, lol. I admit I only did the one race, and jumped off for some Road Rage, but it was cool to race in a 'Cats' room, and held my own race, as the others were normally 6 seconds ahead or more. Knew it was not about the winning, as having only unlocked my favorite car, is all I need, but to compete with the 'Big Boys' will take my Euro, which has to be GTA'ed, and then again, I'm not going to win, just hopfully not time out, lol.

Sorry not to metion the others in the room, you know who you are, and respect does go out for your work on Revenge, but I have raced Sega more than I have you guys, and I still think, he is one of the best racers on the Burnout series, and I have beat him once or twice, which is nice for the ego. But I do look forward to racing everyone on Paradise, as well as doing everything else in the game, from Road Rage, Stunt Run, Show Time and whatever else they put in the game.

Was also in a room, where Kicken 1 jumped in, and he said he had done 16,000 hours on BO3, which going by the math, of 16,000 hours divided by 24 hours, says he has played BO3 for more than 666.6r dayz, which works out to a couple of years non-stop play, nice achievement there, and is possible as the game came out in 2004 or is it? And enjoy that 200 year old Brandy, prefer my drinks fresh, like water, and a baby born Bud. Though a good aged Red wine is nice to. With a steak of course, lol.

And smile you might be on Candid Camera one day. Or my Blog, lol.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xandu's picture

I think kicken had 16000 races online which really isn't that much. The math makes that 1 hour a race! Need I say more??

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --