Oh hey Bloggy

hey Bloggy just  a short vistit to let you know that I am well and to let you know what I have been doing that is more inportant than talking to you, I have been deep in the Paradise World exploring and trying to get some A.Points (can't spell it so I wont try) and I have had a few all though I did cheat to get two of them (bad, bad Booty) I think it was the 1000,000 point's in the stunt run and the 20x boost chain, it's not realy a cheat but it does feel that way, I am proud that I got my 100% power parking totaly by accident of course, I was in chat with some one and lost concentaration and pressed the wrong button, I think I am 11 races away from my Burnout Licence and need 8 bill boards and 4 smashes left

I have found many things in the game not to my taste, Open world is great to muck about with friends but after a while all the barrel rolls and flat spins get boring, I do not like the race's as I tend to turn in the wrong direction, I also do not like not having a option to retry the last race, but apart from those few quibbles I do think it is one of the best offline games to date and comes close to COD 4.

right Bloggy must dash, oh and before I go may I add That England lost at Twickenham their home ground to Wales with a score of 26-19, Come on Lad's Scotland today (probably loose that one)


ZombieTron's picture

Sounds like you are about the same progress through the game as me, I have about 11 wins to my Burnout license.

Online I am having fun doing challenges with different people, but some times if there are players who aren't co-operating with the challenges it can get a bit dull. If you have to wait 5-10 minutes for 1 player to boost its a bit annoying! Especially as the challenge is active so you can't do Road Rules or Todays Best while you are waiting.

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

Finito this morning Oh yeah all hail the Bootylycious, I have my Burnout Licence and every achivment (dang it ) I want from this game, maybe now I can start playing for fun, but I don't know as it gets boring, Played a little with Giuppy last night and a couple of his Amigo's and yeah the Servers are rubish yet again "thanks EA" thank god for the camera as that was the only way to communicate, I am still getting lost while racing and just wish maybe with a little prayer the mini map will get a update to 'rotate' as that would make the game so much easier

anyone else notice how tediously boring Paradise is!

ichienkai's picture

Have no desire whatsoever to play it.  None at all.  No excitement - no cravings - no nothing.  Maybe you were right about me after all.

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

anyone who rides a motorbike with a plastic guitar straped on their back has a screw loose dude and is open to ridicule, ichienkai you are the original one track pony, but having said everything that I have about Paradise, I do think you should try it properly, if only for the easy points, try road rage and marked man

anyone else notice how tediously boring Paradise is!