Well if you don't know, but you can guess where me and drunk are and daylight2night

We are on a burnout meet up, with citysurferboy and the champagne supernova, lol.

The world of Amsterdam is awesome, you have to play burnout with the people and the trams, taxi's and bikes and other people trying to focus on safe haven. The whole town is a burners paradise. And a taxi ride in a merc sports is awesome too. Van Gogh picture gallery, was a place where we lost people, they were very nice pictures, to stay and watch what your mind did with them. And trams are interesting, too, getting thrown around the back of one of them, trying to sit down is very funny.

Anyway the cafe only gives 15 minutes of too few internet time with a purchase, so time to enjoy the purchase, see you regulars later 2night.


ZombieTron's picture

We are missing you in Paradise City, but hope you are all having a great time!

--- The Original and the Best ---

drunknnumpty's picture

ok so you were sat at that computer for at least 15mins while I sat and smoked, so I was expecting some witty non sensical rambling of a tag on tour.. but oh no.. you let me down.. I waited until I got to work today and my brain stopped working (only took til 11) before I read it as a break.. and what do I get.. three short paragraphs (if you can call them that).. this must have been the shortest blog you've done.. lol..


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...