Do You Have 2 Hours To Spare?

Highly recommended Movie (the highest number of internet downloads for a full length movie)  If you have Faith in your Religion - don't watch it - if you are interested in opening your mind then DO watch it.

BootlegGiant's picture

This is The Matrix and in my opinion a very dangerous film that I would not accociate my self with, I would not advertise it, it blows religion apart and makes fools of goverments and industries, of course that is just my opinion and I might be looking into it to deep, but the more I look at the world around me the more I see where this film is going, I had never been into conspiracy theory's before and thought that the people that were where nutters (sorry Serpo) but yeah have a gander at this even if you are into your faith, (I cant wait to ask the local reverend about Horus)

anyone else notice how tediously boring Paradise is!