Bloggy does Camp

no not that kind of camp Bloggy, its a coffee thing,  Gazza likes Red Bull I like Camp Coffee, this is the original and best one all though it is a little sticky so I tend to buy the ready made one's in can, it is also known as Ice Coffee, it has nothing to do with Ice Tea

best served as cold as possible, if you have a ice blower at hand, yeah blow away, chill that milk to the point just above freezing

this is heven

Drink me, so yeah Bloggy this is what it can look like


ichienkai's picture

How can you drink that s*** and what possessed you to try it in the first place?  Who the hell put you onto cold Coffee?  I bet it was the word Camp that appealed to you! Don't get me wrong I'm gonna try it man but this is what the Race guys drink and have suggested to me for "Cleaning Your Muscles Of Fat Residue"

I aint fat but any health supplement apart from the steroids that are circulating in our work place (Dickheads) can only be good - dude I have a 65 year old Auntie who takes all sorts of pills like fish oil and she has the skin of a 25 year old.... And before you ask, No I Wouldn't Man, she's family for gods sake!

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

SUFFUR's picture

 to compare against your own, lol. Just to say that it was like a 25 year old?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

And I'm 32 - her husband just passed (why is my s*** all doom an' gloom)? Most pleasant person you could hope to meet, if i'd have stroked her skin Jim - RIP - would have given me what for for sure! 

 --Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture

I gotta tell you this one dudes, Miss Daily Supplement Chick - yeah my Auntie once stayed with us for a day or two and had our room for a few nights and we (Ex girlfriend) had a set of proper handcuffs hanging off the bed posts - just for fun sort of thing but when they stayed with us we could just visualise my Uncle Jim knockin' on our door asking for the key coz' they had tried them out!! Didn't happen but hell would have been hilarious - you never lose the urge for fun do you?! 

 --Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

First tried a sample of it at a horticultrual show when it was the normal thing for a Bank to have wine glasses filled with cigarets and me and my mates would try and nick them, Superkings I never liked them but they were free,  and while sneeking away with our booty we came across The Camp Coffe stall and they gave samples in small glasses similar to a shot glass (spirit) we went back and forth all day each time wering a differant top or hat or sunglasses, but yeah I guess they new what we were doing anyway I bought my first Camp bottle and got a free Camp Glass, similar to a pint glass but with Camp written on it.

Hey ichi when are you going to subscribe to my you tube channel?????, the way things are going I might have to pay people to join

anyone else notice how tediously boring Paradise is!

ichienkai's picture

Man you are proper old skool - made me laugh picturing you and your mates messin about with different disguises tho.... I don't know how to subscribe to youtube, you know i'm a noobo but i'll have a look in a minute --Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

I like it too!! but I only tried it once when they were giving away samples at the local Tesco.

--- The Original and the Best ---