The HD format war is over!

Today Toshiba announced that they will be terminating all production of HD-DVD players and recorders in March 2008. It seems like Warners announcement about not releasing any more movies and series on HD-DVD was the final nail in the coffin. In total 730000 HD-DVD players have been sold world wide and I own 1 of them . 300000 of the sold units are XBOX 360 HD-DVD players.

Congratulations to Blue-Ray! You won! How does it feel???




BootlegGiant's picture

I never went for the HD DVD player so it does not realy bother me, but Warner Brothers and Toshiba are not  the only fish in the pond.

anyone else notice how tediously boring Paradise is!

oO EezO Oo's picture

Im rolling it around a bit and I'm thinking I might actually pick one up now (360 HD-DVD player)  BestBuy is selling em for $119.00 and I imagine HD DVDs are going to be pretty cheap to pick up very soon.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Paul_Dnap's picture

There are many great high def HD-DVD films out there - the TRANSFORMERs movie is incredible picture on hi def for example...

the only thing with HDDVD is you need the sound cranked up enough to cover the fan noise of the XBOX and the whirrr of the HD DVD drive.

SUFFUR's picture

I will be trying to find all those cheap HD DVD's, and since mine is Region free, I get most of the American ones as well.

Then next year, I get a secondhand PS3, and thats my Blue Ray Player, might even buy some of the old games, and enjoy what Sony do have to offer, plus being second hand, it's had it's updates, lol.

But I did like HD over BR, it had some good things going for it, that out shone BR, but saddly no-one jumped at it.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?