Confirmed Changes to Paradise


Criterion Games have confirmed a few additions to Burnout Paradise over at the official forums at EA and Criterion Games.

Matt Webster "Road Rule Worldwide Times are coming.... "

Alex Ward "Custom soundtracks for PlayStation3 are DEFINITELY coming...."

There have also been hints to what future DLC may contain..

Alex Ward "I hear 'Big Surf' is really expanding and going places these days......"

We will bring you more confirmations and gossip when we hear it!!



ZombieTron's picture

THIS is a interesting thread over at the Criterion Games forums, gives a good idea of the scale of DLC.

Alex posted elsewhere to be careful what you wish for, as it may come true...

I wish DLC to be everything that all Burner's wish for and that we all play Burnout for ever and ever and ever...  

--- The Original and the Best ---

senocular's picture

I think one thing that is pretty evident was that its not coming any time soon.  If I remember right (and maybe its linked above - I didn't check), Alex mentioned that even if everything was ready to go right now, it would be like a month and a half before it could get into consumers hands.  Then again, they've probably  got some content already that never made it into the final release.  But also, it's a new game still.  How fast should we really expect new content to come out?  I can't say for certain, but I would guess some marketing would also play a part.  I suspect the best time to release DLC is when sales start to stop or drop thereby renewing interest and getting some more publicity.



Burnout Paradise Map:

SUFFUR's picture

Well its a big list really if you think about it but it's all looking good so far, gets the irritating stuff sorted.

The actual dates, not sure about, but they still do up dates on tuesdays, and some stuff has been 'imp'limented. *

*see they have imps, them demons!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

BootlegGiant's picture

Burnout Paradise Server Fixes - 04/03/08

In today's server upgrade we've deployed fixes to the Xbox360 account verification. It was found that a very small number of Gamer Tags were unable to connect to the Burnout Paradise Servers and would receive the message "The Burnout Paradise servers are not available at this time". This would only occur to Gamer Tags that had been previously owned by somebody else and had been renamed before the current owner registered them.
Today's server deploy @ 10:00GMT resolves this issue.

I got that message very often when I played the game, yet have been the owner of this tag for years and years and years.

..your Signature is inapropriate and has been edited by a forum Ninja..

ZombieTron's picture

WOW lots of fixes!

I am especially happy about the DNF time limit being extended, although it might be nice to have the timer as optional, especially in player matches when we are trying out new races.

--- The Original and the Best ---

ZombieTron's picture

Alex Ward "Horns for all cars, and police lights and sirens are going to come. It was all work that was scheduled to be done, but other tasks took priority during the final phases of the game.

Online game modes are coming, including modes that make use of these police vehicles...."

Yes, this could fuel the NFS:Paradise argument, but I want to play cops'n'robbers, and Pursuit mode from Burnout 2!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Xandu's picture

Seems like we will be getting sirens and horns! Just found this post by Alex Ward over at the Criterion Forums.

"Please bear with us guys - we're trying to be as open as we can with you all....

Horns for all cars, and police lights and sirens are going to come. It was all work that was scheduled to be done, but other tasks took priority during the final phases of the game.

Online game modes are coming, including modes that make use of these police vehicles...."

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

ZombieTron's picture

another juicy quote from the Criterion Games forums:

Matt Webster "Spectator Mode.... hmmm... Now there's an idea...... :)"

--- The Original and the Best ---