glitch-no takedown EASY!!!

there is a glitch in burnout that i wanna give away! ok, first you send a invite to friend (PS3 only) then you go on the send messages by going to paradise city online and hit triangle. then you wait for ur friend to join,then you get out and ur car can't be taken down!!!!!this does work, i tryed---have FUN!!!!

lord_of_valhalla's picture

Indeed this does work. I tried this with a friend, then set that game access to open, waited for the game to fill then started acting really arrogant to piss people off, then had a lot of fun watching them try to take me down.

The only disadvantage is that while you're in this glitch, you cannot invite anyone to a game, it stays on busy inviting as if the game just loaded up!!!

cripled turtle2's picture

any idea how to make it work on 360?????? 

