
 How do you get 101% i have 100% but where do i get that 1% from.

Zalz Torus's picture

Thats odd, I went from 99 straight to 101%. I assume youve done everything in single play right? billboards, road rules and showtimes? not to mention absolutly every single intersection race/road rage/burning lap/etc? all the cars?


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Mad Wookiee11's picture

The other percent comes from completing 2 sets of challenges.  When you do that, you get the Carbon Uberchall 8.

My Toaster only works in reverse!

Latinam est, fatue!

Mad Wookiee11's picture

The other percent comes from completing 2 sets of challenges.  When you do that, you get the Carbon Uberchall 8, which dominates B class.

My Toaster only works in reverse!

Latinam est, fatue!

Mad Wookiee11's picture

Sorry about that...

My Toaster only works in reverse!

Latinam est, fatue!

hobknob's picture

 yes all complete it came up 100% and gave me my elite license.

hobknob's picture

 what challenges ? do you mean on line 

Mad Wookiee11's picture

You need to beat 2 sets of freeburn challenges while online.  There are currently 50 challenges to beat for each number of players from 2-8.  If you beat all 50 challenges for two seperate numbers of players, then you get 101% and the Carbon Uberchall 8.

My Toaster only works in reverse!

Latinam est, fatue!