elite license HELP

 Hi all,

i have done all the billboards, smashes, super jumps, done all the races, (except2) stunt runs, and marked man but i have 2 points to get for my elite license i still have 2 races on my map but i don't have the cars to do them with. 


  please HELP



SUFFUR's picture

Have you done them?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

If you have 2 burning routes left but don't have the cars to do them, the cars must be loose in the city! Shut them down!

Good Luck!

--- The Original and the Best ---

hn6's picture

The info pane should tell you how many cars need shut down.


50 Hurtz

hobknob's picture

 it tells me there are 0 cars to take down, i've just done road rules and i got a carbon motor i have 4 now.



Dman82's picture

If you want the elite license, you have to win all the events.  Plain and simple.

ZombieTron's picture

If the 2 events you have left are races (blue) then you can do them in any car.

It's only if they are Burning routes (orange) that you need a specific car.

If you have completed all other events so they have ticks against them, you must have all the cars you need to complete all of the events.

Hope this helps!

--- The Original and the Best ---