fun and games with noobs

so was on revenge last night as one of my alter ego's and was having a laugh with some noobs during the gaming.. but before we get onto that.. whats with all the kicking going on.. i know i have a room rule when hosting of 'no mic no play' but anyone else is welcome.. unless there annoying and then they will be booted.. but was having difficulty getting a game.. took about 20min and 3 of 4 attempts at joing the only race room open and getting booted.. i know the rank i had was low but it was only 403.. and the host was sitting on the 1500ish number so it would have been close.. infact after getting in I only managed a 3rd over all.. although i was racing crap..


so anyway on with the noobs.. after Suf came on I started to host.. and the room filled up with a couple of reasonable racers and a couple of dots.. so we're racing away and one of the noobs is an annoying little turd and giving me a load of grief to which I just agreed with and didn't fight back, which wound him up even more.. then he asked how we were so quick and so far ahead of him in each race.. the front 3 were about 2 miles ahead at this point.. and straight faced I told him 'you have to complete the game to get the faster car'.. and he believed me.. which was funny.. i was having difficulty keeping a straight face and was hoping that the others in the room would keep quite.. so when we get back to the lobby off the noob goes to get the faster car.. lol.. give it a go.. wait till there's a complete noob in the room and if he asks why your so quick tell him to complete the game for the top car..

it was a reasonable fun evening and I did pick up two achievements on my new tag.. thanks SUFFUR for letting me kick your ass to 6 takedowns to get my 'opening a can' and also thanks to Kevlar0 for joing just before I was about to get off and letting me get my 'Most Wanted'..

the only down side was there seems to be some connection issues that affected ZombieTron, Xandu and SUFFUR, either not being able to connect to Burnout online or not being about to hear all those that are in the room.. anyone know whats going on.. is it because we all went to the BurnoutAholics 1st birthday and the boy at Criterion didn't as SUFFUR suggests.. is this just one big conspiricy against those who are not fans of Santa Ana (see previous post).. 


there's a thin line between genius and insanity, i think i've fallen off...



SUFFUR's picture

I must say in your room, the Knoobs were too busy fighting each other, to race. If I didn't think it was a ploy for us to go back and investigate, then they would have jumped us and won the race, maybe, lol. But it was a good night except for the can't connects, to any Burnout Server?

Some tight racing was had, that does end in tears, crocodile tears, but I will claim some Revenge in the next couple of dayz.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

oO EezO Oo's picture

Really if you were to say 'Your car will go faster if you finish the offline game'    you wouldn't be lying.  They would probably race alot faster after going through the whole thing.  :-)

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

I hear where your coming from.....i suppose you just get used to the kicking but being honest with you there is alot more of it recently....why?....god only knows its silly why kick someone for having a low rank?.....when i first started if anyone came in my rooms with a low rank id launch faster than you could blink...lmao....i just dont understand this game anymore its changed and not for the sick of getting kicked so much i just do my own rooms now.....but then i have problems filling it because they see the rank and leave....RANK RANK RANK.....why does it matter to many so people?.......:)