GTA vs Paradise


Don't you just wish sometimes that game developers would get together and jam for a couple of hour's, day's or heck just blend together.


I have been waiting for so many great games for the 360 and then being bitterly disappointed for their lack of playability for example Saint's Row was meant to be serious competition for the GTA series instead it turned into a wet fish sort of game.


Now we have GTA 4 and wow it just get's better and better, I don't know what it is but it feels like I am taking off from the last one, Rock Star have not changed anything they have stayed true to the game and their fan's, well done lad's 10/10.


Can you imagine if Criterion would have Jamed with Rock Star then you might have been able to understand the mini map while racing around Paradise City, GTA has never been about racing, it is not a racing game hence no speedometer but come on nothing beats going around a corner on two wheels or having the option to retry the last mission.


I am a Burnoutaholic and Revenge flows through my veins.


Xandu's picture

The GTA Mini map is the best implementation I've seen of a mini map in any "open world" type of game. It was one of the first things I commented on when I started to play the game.  I was actually saying to ZombieTron that: “I wish we could have a map like this in Paradise City”.

The boys and girls over at RockStar have definitely put a lot of time in to the design of the map. They have also put it in the lower left hand corner where it will distract you the least.  The size and color of the map is also perfect. Actually I don’t think I’ve ever taken a wrong turn in Liberty City when I have been following the map. 

A couple of weeks ago I did actually suggest a similar solution to the one that Rock Star have chosen over at the Criterion Forums but apparently another and better solution has ben chosen... I guess we will have to wait and see what Cagney brings .

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

Rofer's picture

Grand theft auto IV is fun, paradise is not.

ZombieTron's picture

"it's not a racing game hence no speedometer"

Maybe that is why there is no speedo in Paradise too  I definitely prefer the clutter free HUD of GTA IV, although haven't tried it online yet, so I don't know what that looks like.

The little round mini map is so easy to read too.

I quite liked Saints Row, although I got stuck on a mission so haven't played it for ages, I might go back and finish it one day. I think it worked really well, a good stop gap until GTA IV anyway.

--- The Original and the Best ---

thephilofwar's picture

It occurs to me that there are gamers who enjoy Paradise and consider Saint's Row a "wet fish game," and then there are gamers who dislike Paradise and enjoy Saint's Row. Maybe it speaks to one's character. I honestly just think the OP has poor taste/judgement


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