My Chemical Romance

hkashdkhvhksdh Sorry I got writers block - had to type something or else I'll be sat here all day.... Well yeah of course I hope you're all doin' ok out there and still enjoying the games you play currently, any of the Burnouts or whatever else.  I'm still on Revenge but in a weird position with it:  what is it with Revenge tho?  Does she (yep its a no no to call it a she but it fits) love me, have fond feelings for me and my spasmodic attempts at brilliance on it, does she want me to end our relationship and find happiness elsewhere or continue with our tempestuous love for one another?  I think she would like me to leave and find love elsewhere and in a way I kinda agree with this schizophrenic diagnosis!

Recently I have had the pleasure of meeting some fab and not so fab people on Burnout Revenge:  a new friend who is so clever she blows me away sometimes but I love our late night conversations.... She likes Random Facts of all things but have you ever been put on the spot and asked to give out a random fact?  I found it bizarre - maybe it's just me but I could not for the life of me do it.  Now I know what a random fact is i'm random facting all over the place hehehe Love it...!  I'm very impressed with the way she has excelled on Revenge in so short a time too - could be coz of racin' me and Bootleg and Manerous all the time - we are all sorta half decent racers?  Had the Pleasure of racin' Segaswirl who joined our room a couple of times too - second time I think Boot was tryin to put him off but it didnt work, unlucky Boot - Sega usually wipes the floor with me but one occasion we actually had a draw which made me smile but it was only because Sega crashed no doubt!

And the displeasure??  Mmmm well yeah there are two people who pretty much hate my guts right now and nooo I wouldnt name names.  Lemme see.... have I personally ever expressed genuine hatred for another racer?  *Cough POW Cough* Nah I think no, what is the point?  It's a video game and everyone more or less knows each other, you go spreading crap around and it comes full circle and you suffer.  Someone recommended I record their voice messages and youtube them but no I wont do it - I know EXACTLY why they hate me too:  because I kicked them they think I'm too pussy to race 'em... think what you like guys and guess what?  I reckon you both are better racers than I but that's not why I don't wanna race you! 

Random Fact:  So I wake up one morning last week and see an advertisement for a Plasma TV so I think balls to it, I wanna mahoosive TV and a PS3 and go buy one. Can't afford it but screw it.  I'm not bragging and the picture I sent to my friends wasnt bragging either but 4 friends actually seriously deleted me off their friends list in quick succession lol! Most of my friends replies were good pics of their big TV's and you'd never of guessed that I would become sucky at Revenge playing on the damn thing... But suck I did.  And Suckier I became until it all clicked into place like move the hell away from the screen you daft blind bollockface idiot! Now I love Revenge in a different way like i'm experiencing flukes like never before.....shoulda crashed there sort of thing - But the "new" graphics ARE slightly distracting.

So I just played Drakes fortune on the PS3 and what a great game that is!  It was a rental tho and I had to quit last night with about 3 chapters to go - never been one to complete games but I will get this again, it's gotton so damn hard tho with all the creepy monsters running about and eating on you - they jump on you and you see this little pic of a shakey playstation controller in the corner whilst you are getting munched upon and at first I was like WTF are you telling me to do now?!  It sinks in that you have a special controller like the Wii's with movement sensors and you are supposed to go off on one and flail about shaking the tiny controller (that's my only beef with the PS3 - well that and the web browser being a tad glitchy).  Apart form that WOW.... BLURAY GUYS!

Kicks ASS! First film I got was Bladerunner just to see if it did look any different and yes sir what a bloody difference - then I watched a bit of porn (out of genuine curiosity of course) and yes everything is very big - I even told a few colleagues at work about this and they said "why did you say the penis's are big and not like the womens breasts or something - something you are not telling us"? hahahaa unfortunately a customer was holding on one of the phone lines unmuted and heard the entire thing and yeah - his comments were not favourable when he finally spoke to me LMAO

Then I watched a newish Movie called Krish and I think only Suf out of anyone here will have heard of it - I'm guessing - Damn I should review things a little bit better!  It looked Japanese at first glance so I rent it gleefully only to find it's Indian sorta Hero stuff mixed with what you'll usually find with most Bollywood movies - insane dance routines etc BUT highly recommended movie if only to watch the female lead - she's extremely Beautiful!

So I gotta run - National Treasure 2 to watch, been cool writing a little on here again - miss the old days when Paradise was just on the Horizon and everone was buzzing on here and yeah I guess I'd be crazy not to miss Bootlegs Random Blogging and Suffer's prolific humour - good writer man - kudos. Catch you all later and yeah maybe see you on Revenge!


 Edit: Forgot to mention the green green grass of home (hence blog title) has returned into my life and shit I think everyone was right:  its cheating to smoke and race - you get too good! lol





ZombieTron's picture

She wants the love affair to continue and the greatest thing about it is the openness of the relationship. Seeing other games on the side is perfectly acceptable. Playing with two at the same time is kinda tricky tho! But, maybe easier now you have a PS3 as well as a 360???

I wish I had a good random fact but.... I don't, I want to know if National Treasure 2 is worth watching tho?

--- The Original and the Best ---

Gooner Rhyle's picture

If you need any help with random facts give me a shout...I'm a mine of useless info. Just don't ask me about anything that may actually be useFUL... random fact that may blow your friend away...

The Wombat has cubic poo. That's right. Cubic poo. It has this so when it poos to mark it's territory (and, believe it or not, food) on a fungus it doesn't roll off. It's so well proportioned as a cube that Australian bushmen (not Aborigine's as far as I know...but....does it matter if I'm wrong here?) use them as dice.

SUFFUR's picture

Enough of that war, nice TV, and Nice blog dude, long time no read. Cool movie, and for High Definition experience, watch Planet Earth series.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

And you don't like someone's and someone's don't like YOU, thats odd, I though everyone loved you, the reason you had so many tags, so you could fit more freinds on multiple friends lists, lol.

But if you're mashed who cares right?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

The Kid 74's picture

I just saw it this past weekend and it was a little better than the first. Not as much clue finding in this one, but funny just the same.

-The One and Only-

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Its funny how you call your baby a she.....i too am guilty of that i think we read our 360 blog too strange because its kinda brought me closer to my xbox i feel like he really really enjoys me playing with him right now.....and as for that person that doesnt like you i wouldnt worry to much because ive realized he doesnt really like anybody.......and besides i think im top of his h8 list right now.......i feel like i know you pretty well and its not until i actually sit down and think about it but we never race the only conversation we have is in here or in the forums?.....maybe i should put more of an effort in and try and join you some time.....who knows i might get lucky and catch boots in there.....i suppose we have the tourney to look forward too seeing as your a host who knows you might get lucky and have me threw into your room..........but be warned youd better not distract me with random facts? know im easily confused.....lmfao......