I cant get the speed.......

Ive been racing REVENGE for what feels like a lifetime now but i just cant get the speed that other racers get.... it drives me crazy because i see good racers just tear away from me..... i think the only reason i win races sometimes is because i dont crash....i was racing Dog and Waterball the other night and i was racing well i didnt crash once and i held first place all 3 laps....i had noticed dog and waterball fighting and i just carried on but before i knew it from 0.5 to like 50ft in a matter of no time....waterball however overtook me and won...i was like WOW....but how do they do it? ive raced people and ive been like 100ft behind them and i just cant for the life of me catch them....i guess there just boost jumping perfectly and some of the speeds theyre reaching must be amazing....im lucky if i can get over 250 of a harrier ........ i guess ill just have to put up with the speeds im currently getting because im not going to get much faster without help i suppose....but then i think of when i first started and i guess i have improved a hell of alot...:)


ZombieTron's picture

Occassionally I feel like I am in the zone and really am one with my Revenge Racer, but speed wise I'm still nowhere near the top racers. I get timed out when I race against the real Revenge Pro's. Not timing out is a real achievement, if I ever get better then 6th I'm thrilled to bits!

I think they have a perfect racing line and are able to hold silly speeds without really trying, I think the very best players must be like the dude in the film Wanted, able to slow everything down so they can react in time to avoid traffic and walls!

--- The Original and the Best ---

oO EezO Oo's picture

I know what you mean Psych - even after playing for I don't know how long, feeling like you're doing pretty good, someone hops in the room and just embarrasses the pants off of ya.  Well, I guess only if you race with pants on.  Sometimes theres to much wind resistance and slows your car down.  And then theres those (If I can quote one from xXHotGarbageXx) drunken moments of brilliance - you know what I'm talking about, where you have absolutely no business racing in a ranked room, accidentally click to the left and nab the lowrider, manage a perfect race, and squeek by first place for the win, all the while hiccupping hystericly thinking " holy crap, I can't believe that just happened "  ok, maybe it doesn't happen very often but if it ever does its a good sign to quit for the night while your ahead, lest you sign on the next day with a dash again and an inbox full of messages from your friends saying thanks for the rank lowrider and have no idea what happened.  I just like playing the game to have fun.  I know fun races on burnout mean different things to alot of people.  I just like going fast and having a laugh with friends.


But really when it comes to Dogg, Waterball, Rofer, Vapor and crew - by the time I can keep up with them they're gonna be like - "dude! you're still playin that thing?  You gotta get a xbox 1080, Burnout Revenge: 3 is insane!!"

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


ichienkai's picture

You know a month or so ago One Incognito invited my bad self over to the Dark Side of Revenge, to iron out creases in my poor speeds and drifts i'm guessing and I would have said yes but these general/simple words of his stopped me: "I race to beat myself". Something like that anyway!  Just those words made me look at my racin', look at the Speedo more often to see where I could improve on certain jumps or had improved in particular places.... I started to pay more attention to drifting closer to walls where drift maximising was possible without glancing off walls, tried to race cleaner through traffic - even avoiding taking people down completely....

And the Zone became my car and the road.  There is a moment in the movie the Last Samurai where Tom Cruise is learning to use a sword against a Samurai and Katsomoto's son goes to him: "Too many mind.  Mind the people watch, mind the sword, mind the enemy..... No Mind". 

When in the Zone that's what it became like, No Mind, no competetion but the road, started to feel strange blanking things out but I did improve. Then reverting back to silly moments like landing off a jump with no fluency and your tyres gripping and stopping your speed dead or throwing you straight into the nearest wall at 90 degrees, frustrating! 

A few weeks ago I joined Kev, Suf and Drunk for a set or two and there were a few intense moments with Suf where we were side by side respecting each others race and with Drunk too and I think it was on Eastern bay L (a race where it seems more possible to catch first place than any other race) there was a constant gap of 600 betwixt me an' Drunk and he asked me how I stayed up there without boost in first and I remember laughing slightly because I was stoned and didnt have a good answer.... I didnt know how only that I was racin ok and drifting over everything I could to maintain speed - then managed a perfect jump and drift near the end of a race on Motor City L to close the gap on Suf and I remember Suf said "Nice speed dude". Made me prick my ears up and go huh? oh yeah - it was just a perfect jump and drift thats all.... dont get many of them lol

Psych's comments about pro's makes sense.  In a complete mess in the early hours the other day, got me a tag down to 200 (no clue as to how as bouncing off the walls sometimes involves more than your car doin' it) but there it was and you know how you actually know better than to continue?? Anyway Incognito recently took me into a fast room and after we started he said this is how you get lap times, there is no handicap and it's very true - the speeds where awesome whilst the races lasted sooooo  this night there are no more rooms but one full of really fast people and to hell with it my tiny mind drags my blottoed assss in there and we race.... I wanted no handicap but the tables turned and yes I could barely see the road never mind find a zone and i'm finishing last and last again and the rooms deadly silent until someone goes "He's shit". Hehehe awesome!  I know all these racers and have raced them before so I knew there was competetion but Inconito is right - the competetion should be yourself.

Today I will race on Revenge and maybe learn something new If i'm cool and calm (so long as my new kittens stop biting my toes when i'm on lol) if not then it's just another win whore day.... But enjoy it I will, regardless of how and when I stop racin'.  Maybe takin' the whole thing a little too serious anyway - we race coz we enjoy! 


--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

thephilofwar's picture

Skill cannot be taught. I don't know whether it can be learned. But if after 3 years of practice, and one continues to fail, well... give up (move on).


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

SUFFUR's picture

I get what you mean, I race for fun, rank is a goal but not a means, I just like cool races, like I had in the early dayz, when a takedown was cool, not a means to an end, not that i'm saying takedowns should be banned unless it looks pretty, and takedowns earn boost, and boost means faster etc, so kill all as you pass. But if everyone has a tight race, going round corners in pairs or more, nudging and shunting, and live from the experience it does get the adrenaline going, and hence the reactions pick up, and better racing happens. 

I had better stuff happening on Burnout 3 in the day, when the physics seemed better, and you could hit another racer hard but he/she/it could still get out of it, to hit back, steal your boost without needing a takedown. In Paradise, if you do get a takedown, you don't get the invincablity like in 3 or Revenge, not that Revenge's TD physics is much better. And the crash prediction seemed to be more leanient(sp) in the earlier games too. In P' if you look at a car funny you can crash. Even more so in the offline game. Meaning the game sees the crash before you do, which is a bit harsh, but pulls your game way up to avoid all traffic at any cost.

Ichi, it was some good races had by all, it would have been nice if that video save feature that came to Halo 3 happened in Halo 1, as I would have had gigabytes of races saved, obviously if the feature was in a Burnout game, more than 20 seconds anyway, ok 30 sec. Though I do remember my first races with You and boosting Bootleg on the 360 Revenge and in the sets we had I got Verticles on you both for my first takedowns, would love to show them off now, lol.

And that corner was awesome, tidy and fast, though i think another one we did was similar but not so tidy but we still lived but you did the jump so well on MC, and shot past me i had to let you go, or spoil it which would just not be right.

Where was I, I'm normally a clean racer, I go for takedowns on reds, when i think its funny and owed (like 50 yards or less from the finish, or into something or just push someone down the long way of a track, to build up on someone whom i may have 5 or more on, to wind them up and increase the count, its been done to me, Evil, numpty, Kev and more, so I return the favour or just pick on Zombie, I know I've got more than 10 on.

But most of my takedowns are just normal events that happen when someone messes with my line, I'm going like the clappers so i run them over. Lag, normally the lagger, though they get me more often  or some speedy barsteward, rubbing my ssa, who don't have the sence to overtake, follow me over a jump, and gives me the takedown, which is always nice. Not that I have a racing line anymore, but if i'm on it, i will stick with it and if someone gets in the way, the game decides, not me if you die, with a cheap ssa takedown. Oh and spawn takedowns, most can't be avoided if your on your racing line. Though normally i'm the one taken down anyway.

I know the key to winning in Revenge is getting that off the start takedown for the win, but naturally I like a good game. Played with-in the rules of the room. I like room where anything goes, so if you get the oppertunity, you can, and then live with the retribution that follows behind, and if they are behind, you race better.

So what i was try to say, Ichi, was it was natural for me to race like that, with you, to have a great race.

Why am I up?

...have fun trying to work out my point, with no clue what i was talking about, other than it was not disrespectful, and just saying it was good to race, that day and everyday, and again, a month later and i have trouble connecting to Burnout Servers.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

A good point is Don Rob and Hawkeye...... Just look at their speeds now..

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Jinno Angelo's picture

If you hold your boost long enough.......everything will become a blur... the screen will become a blur.... and the only thing that will be clear in the picture is the car....Thats the truth to it too.....


I will say tho that you are right about one thing. I really dont race because of the competition. Winning is not that important to me. It comes often but its really not the reason why I race. It solely because i want to get good at the game and so that I can maximize my speed at just about every turn or jump or drop down. Who really cares if those others racers are faster than you? I do know that if you try to beat yourself you will get faster and more importantly you will know what your doing wrong. I guess the best way to look at this is to look outside the box.

Simply, I'm going to answer Psychedelic's question. The reason why people are always loosing speed is because they are not turning the right way. Thats why they are losing so much because they brake boost more than clean drift. Thats they key to maintaining speeds. Take a look at MC SF, its simple and there are 4 turns going to the right.. When your turning, clean drist it so you maintain 220+ throughout the turn. Dont turn by dropping your speeds to 180-190 and boosting so that you come out at 220... I guarantee that you will lose .20th of a sec doing that EVERY TIME. Just drift cleanly, no hitting walls, or cars, or other racers. Drift Cleanly. Now I told you abou MC SF because thats where I learned how to get my 46.76 the very first time. Once youve gotten that turning down, apply that to EVERY TRACK. As I said, think outside the box. Wherever you Boost Brake before, start clean drifting there.

Regarding Boost Jumps.... At the highest levels of play, boost jumping and getting the most speed out of it will make or break at lap time. The difference between a speed of 245 and 247 on a straightaway will be .02-.15 of a second. In the lap time leaderboards that makes all the difference. However, although getting good speeds will get you closer to the person your trying to catch up to, I think that maintaining speeds is far more important than a good jump.  A good example is CR LF. On the first jump, Boost jump there and get speeds of 250 plus. Try boost jumping by slowing your car first to 209, then drifting at the top of the ramp, so that when you land down just press left or right and you dont have to press any brake button. Maintain that and on the drop down, just drop down by tapping your brake and not holding it by bringing your speeds to 180-190 so that you could do another boost jump on the way down. If you did that, your going to pass that person up who doesnt know how to maintain their speed and would much rather do boost jumps. I definitely guaranteeing you that if you do that, you'll be going at that straightaway  at 240+ and turning at that shortcut at 230-232.

Another thing that is important is to start racing FAST people. Like I said I can be learned, skill can be gained. Look at Hawkeye and Don Rob. Does anyone remember how slow they were before and how much they have progressed because they figured it out? I will say that the same goes for me. Race fast people. You get used to how fast they are going. I would recommend going for lap times with somebody 1-1, if you want to improve your speed. More importnatly, dont worry about other people's times. Learn to SEE/SPOT where your going wrong. If your behind and you see that your speed isnt at 220 even when your .2 miles behind and one person is .6 miles behind, your doing something wrong. Even if they are .6 miles behind, you should still be able to maintain 220. SPOT those places where you lost speed. Look at the road and see if there was a bump there that you could drift on. a bump will lower it by 2-5 mph. Drift it to maintain or gain speed. Not enough people pay attention to that and would much rather just race forward. Learn to steady your hand instead of constantly turning without drifting. If your going to turn, turn by drifting. That is how people lose the maintain 90% of the time.  

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Jinno Angelo's picture

"I get what you mean, I race for fun, rank is a goal but not a means, I just like cool races, like I had in the early dayz, when a takedown was cool, not a means to an end, not that i'm saying takedowns should be banned unless it looks pretty, and takedowns earn boost, and boost means faster etc," - Quoted from Suffer


Boost do mean faster, but not necessarily.  If you try to Td people, I think its a misconception that people think you will go faster. On the contrary, it will slow your car down so much and you will lose so much time going for it. Td's might be cool for some people. Im generally clean when I race. I dont know maybe its just me, but it seems cooler to me if you can pass up people without taking them down. It really shows your skill when your passing up someone and they say "Wow..Whered you get that speed from?"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Yeah look at there speeds now?......what i want though is speed in 1st place not in last place 3 or 4 miles behind....anyway i was enquiring about SPEED not PITY BOOST.......and if it takes them pity boost to gain lap times fair play to them but i want speed for different reasons to them i want to use it to WIN not gain a LAP TIME....

PsychedelicBabe's picture

As a matter of fact Skill can be taught?....and it can be LEARNT too.....how else do you think people learn in the first instance.....i rest my case?......and anyways MrPhilOfWar......you seem so adamant on my driving skills why dont you start putting your skills into use and come and race me sometime....i dont beleive weve ever raced so i dont understand how you get of judging my racing skills or lack of them......so if you want to be shown how you can teach somebody a real SKILL...''PUT YOUR PAD WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS''......until then dont pass comments on my racing.....

PsychedelicBabe's picture

OMG i love being in the zone and your right the only thing that you can focus on is your car....its amazing.....i read all your essay {again} and {again} and nito if your up for it before this tourney do you fancy running a few 1:1 races with me?......

PsychedelicBabe's picture

When i first started playing this game i used to get owned by takedowns so badly i even recall certain racers like Dingle having 32 takedowns on me at one time....and it used to really annoy me..but it didnt stop there everyone used to use me as there boost b*tch and i hated it and i set myself a goal and that was not to let people take me down.....so i bettered myself and in time i started catching people and thats when my addiction for takedowns started as soon as i put my first racer in the wall....i felt so much self satisfaction out of it.....i was in control at last.....so now i guess i am a dirty racer because i know i can be theres nothing more pleasureable than chasing someone for a whole lap then finally catching them and KILLING THEM......lol.....dont get me wrong though there are times that i can be the cleanest racer too...i think it depends on who im racing and what type of room im in.....

Jinno Angelo's picture

You want to know something? The best racers deal with the same handicap as you up front. Its not just you, thats why its always possible to catch up to people up front in the fastest rooms with little to no handicap. I can catch up to shout, he is very quick but he is also catchable as he makes mistakes just like everyone. The point when it starts to get hard is when your 400 ft behind somebody. Its the same for everybody, Waterball, Nightmare, and Shout told me that one. If your up front or in second place, this is where the boost jumping, harriers, and clean drifting will help you. Its just a matter of who gets a better boost jump, who can turn perfectly, and who can do a harrier better in a track up front when you two are close together. This is why its important to do one on one so that you can see your mistakes and so that you've learned to fix it.   



"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

ok im kind of getting what your saying now.....and i know im not the only one to suffer this handicrap but i didnt think dog and waterball suffered from it?...... id like to try this 1:1 thingymejig i think it might help me especially on ANGEL VALLEY REVERSE?......{see other forum}......so if your up for it some time nito giz a shout?.......