What are you doing while waiting for Cagney (360)?

I am on holiday
15% (5 votes)
Completing all 350 challenges
29% (10 votes)
Having BBQs
3% (1 vote)
Waiting for my eggbox to be fixed
9% (3 votes)
Playing Revenge
21% (7 votes)
None of the above, please comment
24% (8 votes)
Total votes: 34


kevlar0's picture

a catagory just for me, whoopidooo. I am also having bbq's, and, i am on my holidays aswell. so i'll have 3 of those please.

Stop oh yeah, wait a minute mister postman, its on its way.

my dog ate my disc.

kevlar0's picture

Am i not alone in my solitude? who else has broken eggbox?

my dog ate my disc.

Rofer's picture

and after cagney i will be playing revenge.

kevlar0's picture

Wheres your sense of adventure Rofer? why dont you give ranked racing an effort, only 40 tracks now. and fastest laps on all of them. You never know, you might just hate it less than you hate marmite/vegimite.

my dog ate my disc, then shat in my pocket.