I was told if i wrote a quick question id kind of get a quick answer so here goes ''What is better?....REVENGE OR PARADISE....?''  And no fighting lol.....


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


ZombieTron's picture

hmmm, having just tried the new ranked racing in Paradise I must admit that racing in Paradise IS the speed filled adrenalin rushing racer that I expect Burnout to be.  So this is a really hard question for me to answer.

I don't like saying Burnout 3 > Burnout 2> etc etc... each of the Burnout games hold a special place in my heart, and like if I had children, I love them all equally!  

Revenge for me is all about Battle Racing and really isn't anything else, although for some its about the Crash mode, I never really got on too well with Crash in Revenge.

Paradise is about sooo much more.... so in a way they are incomparable.

There definitely is no quick answer to that question! But  is better then PS3!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

Good response i know that against you i simply cant argue the fact about which is better............especially when Revenge and Paradise are the named topics.....its nice to see that we agree on one thing though... .....  is definately better than the PS3...........and instigating like a firestarter?.............LOVE IT......rolmfao...


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


SUFFUR's picture

and Paradise takes some getting use to!

But I like all the Burnouts 'cept one, Burnout.

But get a P$£, Paradise is better on there for *shiney*, HexBox for established online players and community, but PS3 will get there eventually.

But ...

I prefer my sinep, the best joy stick attached to the greatest machine in the world!!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

CrAzYChAsE's picture

Xbox's suck my friend has gone through 4 cause the red ring of death and that was in a year. I've been with sony since I was like 4 and will never switch. More to the point I like Paradise more than revenge.




kevlar0's picture


In my humble opinion, The void between Revenge and Paradise is not as big as a lot of people make it out to be, for a start they both have cars That go really fast and you have the ability to smash the living daylights out of your opponents, they both have an interactive environment, traffic, ramps and the ability to do outrageous stunts and jumps.

Both games are also similar in takedown psychics, both being cheap and nasty, although Revenge is slightly better for taking people down, (but not much).

They both have a ranked racing system with set tracks and lap times, (since the launch of Cagney).  

In a recentish interview Alex Ward said, the future of online gaming was about co-op gameplay and feeling the love of your brother and sister gamers (not his exact words but something along those lines). And so co-op challenges were born into Burnout.

I can truly say that over the last week of playing paradise, the gameplay has become much more dynamic, the timed co-op challenges have really gripped my imagination and the three new game modes slot in really well, (providing the host has a brain larger than a pea).

Regardless of what some Burners say, Paradise IS Burnout, just as much as Revenge is Burnout, What makes the void between Paradise and Revenge is the players who won’t/can’t make the transition over.

Once one gets over the fact there is no boost/drift jumping, Speedo and crappy takedown physics, Paradise can be just as addictive as Revenge and with the onset of new leaderboards the competitiveness in paradise is going to be just as fierce as it is in Revenge.

So all in all, Paradise is a million times better than Revenge, and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. That was a joke by the way; I love them both equally because I’m a burner.

Now then,, about these babies, Me and my

Paradise game did the dirty last night and it fell pregnant, and it looks like its going to be triplets, one boy, one girl and a cat

my dog ate my disc.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Yeah its ok saying that these games are similar without pointing out the obvious but what about the one main key feature that Revenge has and Paradise doesnt?.....SPEEDOMETER...?............i rest my case his isnt a racing game if it where it would tell you how fast your going?..........and what about the lame take downs? does that mean im not a true burner because i cant stand Paradise?.........and as for babies and making love to your system? really need to get some help.....


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Jinno Angelo's picture

Revenge is so much faster. You have a speedometer which means you can improve and get better jumps and better times. You see just how fast your going, that makes it even better than just looking at a screen not knowing how fast your going. At least when you have that you can see how well you've improved or where your making mistakes just based on your speed.

Revenge has up close competition. In paradise, you only see the other racers in the starting line, then in the finish line. Where's the close up competition that Burnout used to have?  

A barrel roll? Jumping off Buildings to hit a sign, LOL.. Not challenging at all. Just a bunch of stupid little things to get people who dont know how play the game into it, so that they feel that they are good because they found every jump, hit every billboard, hit every smash, but they cant race. Ohh Im so Good I have 101% completion.. LOL.. Noobs! Can somebody explain to me where is the skill in hitting a billboard sign?

Freeroam? Garbage? Whats the point of free roam. I thought this was a racing game not a go to the supermarket and buy some groceries kind of game? I dont want to roam Paradise, I want to race. Well at least the updates may have fixed that. I dont see how it is fun to free roam, its boring. Its really boring as heck.. Once you get the achievements, then whats the point of free roaming?

An 8 second crash? Who wants to see a crash over and over again.. Its stupid awarding you for failing at driving..  



Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 Well said nito........and i also think the one thing you missed to cover was the lobby?.......burnout isnt burnout without the lobby.....

We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Jinno Angelo's picture

Ahh yes, I do miss the lobby. I also miss being kicked out of the lobby!


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Haha next time im on that could be arranged.......



We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Rofer's picture

because it has burnout revenge which smart people know deep down inside that it is the best.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 Well is hands down better just for that one simple still waiting for your version though rofer.....


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying...... edit: dont know how ive double posted....sorry.......i glitched my text too.....HAHAHAHA....


PsychedelicBabe's picture

 Well is hands down better just for that one simple still waiting for your version though rofer.....


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Rofer's picture

Be very patient because i am just now mastering the basics of programming, so it won't be for at leat a couple years before i know how to make the game that i can imagine ;)

PsychedelicBabe's picture

I have to wait a couple of years?....well i guess that is expected......i guess ill just have to sit back and wait wont i....presumeably ill still be alive when its finally released that is.....


Ninjaselo's picture

With all the new coming updates, bikes, trophies....

Before the news on the updates I liked Revenge more...

Josh_C's picture

Did you just say Xbox is better... LOL!!! Xbox sucks severe ARSE!
And you can't prove it doesn't, cos it does!

If I had a Signature this is where it would be...

edit: Oh, I forgot... Paradise is my Favourite, more choices if you get bored of just racing...

If I had a Signature this is where it would be...

SUFFUR's picture

And Live has  better interface compared to PSN, as it has been around longer, I don't hate Sony but I do have issuses with some of their practices in software and I don't like the controller on any of their machines, so Xbox won for me, and I have a lot of friends I have met through that system, and they are not so elitist compared to some Sony lovers, not a dig, just they think because the PS3 is more expensive, they seem upper classish, but in this gaming world it is good to have all 3 consoles, because we are gamers first, not console war'ists, and this is the age of games, with it's break through to the mainstream.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

I agree our controller kicks pure ass compared to PSN even more now since the new Red and Green controllers have been issued to retailers for us to use.........................and the main issue for me loving my XBOX more than what i would a PSN is the fact that LIVE is actually monitored whereas PSN isnt..........oh and of course REVENGE......

amhickam's picture

  hmmm, it is definetley a toss up.  I love both games.  It really is just what mood am I in.  a structured race or an extreme thrash on the town.

gravy666's picture

 Burnout Revenge.

Burnout Paradise changes a bit too much for my tastes.  I still can't get over the fact that "Paradise" doesn't have Crash Mode or a retry option.

Evasion-Lv6's picture

tbh i've not played revenge but i've played burnout 1 & 2 and do kinda miss the tracks sometimes even though paradise is open and know it like the back of my hand

maybe as a future update or in the next burnout it can be open world but when racing online we could choose a retro track to race on from a previous game as well as the main open world enviroment

it could work if they created a pdlc pack of all the best tracks from past burnouts i'd pay up to £25 if they did