Paradise this Revenge that....

But I still havent said anything to get it out of hand yet, not that were going to get it out of hand anyways... LOL...

I thought it was starting to get funny........

Paradise babies....ROFLMAO!!! Kevlar -- A Paradise baby?, LOL!!



PsychedelicBabe's picture

.....Im just as confused as to why the comments got blocked..ive just re read all the comments and ok some where a bit profound but id put alot of thought into my comments......i thought personally it was the best bit of conversation in here right now.........ive just visited the forums and omg theres more life going on in a graveyard...........So where do we get these special creatures known as Paradise WANT ONE..........then i can convert it into a Revenge Baby...........


I'm looking for the spaceman who stole my smile....he cant be far away....hopefully....


Jinno Angelo's picture

Forget the Paradise Babies.. The latest craze are the Rofer-Cat Transformers and the Kevlar-Broken Xbox action figures...LOL..



Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

If i was a collector of toys or action figures i would definately add these guys to my priceless collection....

ZombieTron's picture

clearly state that I can be a hard nose moderator when I want to be!

Although I know that everybody posting knows each other from way back and all of the comments were in good(ish) humour, they were on a front page story and new visitors to the site are not privy to our history, so reading comments that are against the Terms of Use on the main front page story gives the wrong impression of the site.

With the Criterion Forums being filled with PS3 v XBox console wars, I really don't want this site to have lots of Paradise v Revenge wars.

There is enough Burnout Love on this site for all of the games, and it doesn't matter what console you play them on either.

Comments on Blogs maybe treated a little more leniently, depending on how good a mood I am in!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

Fair comment zombs........maybe we should take the Burnout v Paradise war to the here dead forums?.......maybe it will liven them up a bit.......oops am i being an instigator here?...........


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Jinno Angelo's picture

For a Revenge vs. Paradise Flame War!! I will take up the debate seat for Paradise and Kevlar can take the debate seat for Revenge, that way everything good comes out from Kev's mouth about Revenge since he likes the game and all I say is Paradise is quality....trash.... ROFLMAO! Thats a positive right? Calling Paradise quality...LOL..

If you dont see the humor in this, you take this game way too seriously!



Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

kevlar0's picture

They also do a kevlar0 action man doll, with gripping hands, eagle eyes and a draw string at the back, so when you pull it, a stream of obsenities come out of its mouth.

The SUFFER doll is just a small wookie, that patronises

my dog ate my disc.

Jinno Angelo's picture

Does it look like an Ewok with a light saber?



Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

kevlar0's picture

The nero doll has a very limited field of vision and a pull sting at the back, which make her cry REAL tears. and she also wets her nappy. awwwww bless

my dog ate my disc.

Jinno Angelo's picture

The Kevlar Pet Doll has an online code that allows you to raise it online. Watch it grow from a tiny little speck all the way to its wrinkly old life. You can feed it, exercise it, pet it, and play with it. Awww bless... Just be sure to take good care of it; You may need to potty train it first, otherwise it might leave a little mess on the carpet. And Dont forget to run and play with it everyday, or it might turn into a little porker! LOL! 


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).